Alternative ending #2: Accident

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*Author's note: this what-if is: what if after chapter 19, Bug's time machine lands in the middle of the volunteer center itself instead of the basement back home. Enjoy!

The time machine zipped out of a time hole into the present time and crash landed in the middle of a field.

After the now, torn up invention stop in its tracks, Bugs jumped out of the machine and notices that he is only across the street from the volunteer center.

I made it. Bugs thought as he looked around sees Daffy from a far view, who was about to head to one of the tents, assuming that it was for the laboratory.

He ran up to the street and tried to shout out for him.

"Daffy! Daffy! Over here!" Bugs called out trying to get him to turn around.

"Bugs?" Daffy asked in confused as he turns to see Bugs from afar.

He then notices a fast car, not paying attention and heading fast at Bugs, who was now in the middle of the street.

"Bugs! Look out!" Daffy said but the warning came out too soon.

Bugs turned around for a split second before he was slammed over by the car.

His body fell and hit the ground hard.

The car had crushed his up legs and his abdomen.

His forehead was also hit and covered with blood as it start to drain down his face.

He was in so much pain, that he couldn't move a muscle.

The people around the area were flustered and looked on in horror.

The driver of the car got out and covered his mouth in shock when he realized what he have done.

"Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry sir. I didn't see you there." The driver said and grabbed his phone from his pant pocket to call 911.

"Hello? I need an ambulance quick! I just hit someone by accident on the road..." The man chattered quickly on the phone.

While the man continued to speak to emergency services, Daffy immediately rushes over to Bug's aide and attempts to stop some of the bleeding that were made on Bug's head.

"Bugs! No, no, no. This can't be happening. Bugs, Stay with me. The ambulance is going to be here in 5 minutes. They're coming. Please, hold on. Don't leave me alone." Daffy begs with tearing pouring down his face as he held on to Bugs while he waited for help to arrive, whose voice was now muffled to Bugs due to the massive injury that was endured on him.

"Daffy..." Bugs managed to say before he suddenly, blacked out.

After several long days later, Bugs finally woke up and winced a little in pain.

He starts to pull his body up in a sitting position and notices he was in the hospital with an IV stuck in his arm.

He had small bandages around his head and abdomen along with casts for his broken legs.

He looked down and sees a tired, Daffy sleeping with his head and arms propped on the edge of the hospital bed.

"Daffy?" Bugs said as he shook Daffy, who instantly woke up.

"Bugs! Oh thank goodness you're awake. You had me worried sick! Don't you ever do a thing like that again." Daffy cried as he hugged Bugs tight.

"How long have I been here?" Bugs asked.

"3 days. I haven't been able to sleep or eat much. I convinced the nurses to let me stay by your side until you can wake up." Daffy said as he released Bugs from the hug.

"You waited for me?" Bugs asked, his heart feeling warm again.

"Yes. What were you thinking, standing in the middle of the street like that? The car could've paralyzed you or could have...." Daffy said as more tears spill down his face.

He didn't want to say that Bugs could have died from that accident.

The thought of losing his best friend forever made him hurt inside.

"I'm sorry Daffy, I didn't mean to scare ya. I just wanted talk to you and I had to get your attention." Bugs said as he pulled him into another hug to comfort him.

"Well what was so important that you had to do a stupid thing like that?" Daffy asked in concern.

"I...just wanted to tell you that I'm so sorry for getting in that fight with you. I wasn't thinking straight and I should thought about what I said before..." Bugs said sadly.

"Before what?" Daffy asked.

"Before... I ruined our friendship and the possible fact that I could lose you forever. The truth is Daffy, I'm in love with you." Bugs confessed as Daffy leans up and looked at him in the face.

"You are? But why? I'm not perfect. I mess up everything...." Daffy sobbed as tears start to well up again in his eyes.

Bugs then, put his hand on Daffy cheek and leaned his head on Daffy's.

"Daffy, you are the most important person in my life. You mean a lot to me and I am completely lost without you. Even though, you drive me insane and can be a bit quirky, that doesn't change the fact that I still love you for you and your flaws." Bugs said as he kissed Daffy on the lips.

Daffy heart swelled up and fluttered.

"So, you're not going to leave?" Daffy asked, a little worried.

"No, I won't I promise." Bugs reassured him.

"Good, because if you do, I'll make sure that I run you over myself." Daffy pouted.

"Haha, so what does the doctor say about my condition?" Bugs asked, laughing at Daffy's cute threat.

"He said that as soon as you wake up, you can go home but it'll take about 6 weeks until you can remove the casts for your legs." Daffy said.

Oh brother Bugs thought when he was reminded of the time that Lola broke her foot and had to stay at their place for 6 weeks.

"Well, the good thing about this is that you can still use the stairlift that I left in the garage." Daffy emphasized.

"Wait, we still have that? I thought I got rid of it already." Bugs asked, confused.

"I uh....took it from the dumpster. I can't help it. Its just too comfortable." Daffy said, excitedly.

"Really Daffy? Don't we have enough junk at home?" Bugs asked, pursing his lips in annoyance.

"It is not junk, its very usable and I happen to like not going up and down the stairs all the time." Daffy pouted.

"Fine, just don't break it, because I have to now use it for 6 weeks." Bugs said, rolling his eyes.

"Deal. Can I take you home now?" Daffy asked, smiling.

"Is there a recovery party waiting for me at home?" Bugs asked, curiously.

"No, I haven't told anybody that you woke up yet. Why?" Daffy asked.

"Good. Then we can go home. Because the last thing I need right now is questions and noise, except yours of course." Bugs said smiling.

Daffy then, wrapped his arms around Bugs and kissed him on the lips as they waited for the doctor to come and release Bugs from the hospital.

*Author's note: This one for sure is considered a Baffy ending haha. Sorry to the audience that this one was involved with a little bit of blood hence the accident. I hope I wasn't too gruesome about it. This one was inspired by a movie that I watched a long time ago called "The Time Traveler's Wife" with Rachel McAdams and Eric Bana in it. if you have not seen the movie, you must go see it sometime. It is amazing but at the same time it is sad and very complex. AMV included for your own entertainment. 3 more endings left to go!

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