Chapter 8

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The two decided to talk longer since no one was crowding around them and they were able to breathe a little bit better.

"So Bugs, how was your tour with Cadet?" Daffy asked, glancing over at Bugs.

"Oh it was fun. I've never been in a real spaceship before. Everything about it feels like home and it's quite cozy! Though my favorite part about this place is the garden. It's very beautiful." Bugs said.

"The garden? You mean the maze garden in the country club?" Daffy asked.

"Yeah. I've been dying to go there all day. Then I thought, well I might just stop by sometime at night when it's not so busy and full of people before I leave." Bugs said beaming.

"Oh." Daffy said as he looked down.

He didn't want him to leave, but he knew that he couldn't keep him here forever so he decided to be honest with him about his prognosis of his time machine.

"So, I spoke to S.O.A.S.A.B today and he told me that it'll take about 2 weeks to fix up your machine. There was a lot of internal damage and some major scratches on the outside of the fender when you arrived." Daffy explained.

"2 weeks huh? Well I guess that'll give me plenty of time to enjoy every moment here with you." Bugs said smiling as he sets his eyes on him.

Daffy quickly turned his head and blushed.

He looked over and saw that they have already arrived at Bug's guest room.

"Uh...ah! I think we're here." Daffy said, trying to ease some of his tension as they stop in front of the room.

"Well, thanks for walking me home Doc. Goodnight." Bugs said as he turns to open the door.

"Okay, bye... " Daffy said as he turns around to walk off but, then stops and decides to say one more thing.

"...Actually!" he blurted out while turning back around to face Bugs.

"Hmm?" Bugs ask with his head turned to see what Daffy was going to say.

"I was wondering, would you... like to have lunch with me and Cadet at the country club tomorrow? I know that you didn't have time to do any of the activities there when you went on the tour. So I thought...maybe after lunch, we can play a couple of rounds of tennis or go bowling or even watch some movies. W...what do you think?" Daffy asked nervously.

"Sure. I'd like that." Bugs said smiling.

"Great! So ah, I'll see you tomorrow then." Daffy said beaming.

"Alright, see you tomorrow Doc. Goodnight." Bugs said as he entered his room and closed the door behind him.

"Goodnight." Daffy said as he turns and heads back to his room.

When the footsteps grew softer and Daffy was out of earshot, Bugs sighed.

It was progress, but he wasn't mad at him anymore so, that was a start. 

Hopefully things won't be so bad here and he can at least enjoy himself for the next two weeks before he gets ready to head back to his own world, the present.

Even though the dimension he is in now is wonderful and spectacular, he misses home and knows that he has go back at some point...just not so soon.

He wanted to stay long enough for him to make memories with the 'future' Daffy; just like the ones that he had kept of them in his closet.

Just two weeks he thought. Two weeks and then everything will be back to normal again. Back to the way it was before. Back to...being best friends again.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now