Alternative ending #3: Dream

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*Author's note: this what if is: what if, after chapter 19 happen, Bugs woke up.

'I' sorry Daffy. Please tell me how to fix this. Bugs said, holding on to himself as he continues to sob in guilt' was the last thing that happened before all of a sudden in reality, Bugs jolted up awake and gasped.

He was sweating and his heart was beating rapidly.

What just happened? Bugs thought as he looked around.

it was nighttime and he was back in his own room in the present time.

He got up from his bed and ran to his bathroom, next door.

He looked in the mirror and sees that he had been crying and sweating profusely in his sleep.

He ran some water on his face and dried it off with a hand towel nearby.

His face was now beaming red.

His eyes were bloodshot and tired.

He thought that for a minute he was having a heart attack.

He checked on his heart again and sees that it was beating a little slower this time.

He took a deep breath and calmed down a little bit.

Was I fighting with Daffy? Was love with him? No that can't be right. It was just a dream. A he?.....Bugs thought worriedly as he ran out of the bathroom and went to Daffy's room to check on him.

He opened the door and sees that Daffy was perfectly fine and sound asleep peacefully.

Bugs signs in relief as he sat on the edge of Daffy's bed and rubs his sleepy head softly.

He so cute when he sleeps. Bugs thought as he smiles for a minute but then all of a sudden panics and immediately stood up from the bed.

What? No, Stop it. You are just concerned for him that's all. You're love with him. Bugs thought sadly as he looked on at Daffy.

He had known him for so long, that it would almost feel weird to see him as anything other than a best friend.

But what he didn't expect is that in all of his life, he has never felt so much anxiety and worry for anybody emotionally...until now.

He wanted to go back to sleep but worries that if he leaves now to his room, he may wake up and Daffy might disappear from him again.

He then, climbs into Daffy's bed from the other side and lays down on his side under the covers to where he is face to face from him.

Okay fine, I'll admit it, maybe I am falling for him. I mean why else would I dream about him and worry that I might... lose him. Maybe...I can talk to him about it in the morning, while we have breakfast. Maybe we can talk about taking a nice, relaxing vacation together. Just the two of us. Maybe then, I can tell him how I feel about him....maybe... Bugs thought and smiles sleepily at him.

"Goodnight Daffy....I love you" he said as he kissed him on the forehead and drifted off to sleep.

Unaware, that Daffy is smiling and whispers I love you too in his sleep.

The next morning, light shines through Daffy's door and it is seen that Bugs is holding onto Daffy in his arms.

Both were tired and yet both unable to let go of each other.

*Author's Note: Another sweet alterative ending for my Baffy fans! Sorry this one is short but there's no more simpler words to say about the two. Basically, even though the whole thing is a dream, it made Bugs wonder if he was really falling for him. This one was a little open ended for the audience. Because Daffy's reaction is not shown this time, but by way things went with him letting him sleep with him throughout the night and next morning, it shows that he loves him too. He's just too tired to say anything! XD AMV for your own entertainment. 2 more to go!

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now