Chapter 7

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Bugs and Daffy ended up talking to each other little at a time with conversations like 'so' or nods in agreement over the restaurant and it's qualities.

Both, were nervous of what they actually wanted to say to each other.

Both, afraid that they would mess up or say the wrong thing only to make their awkwardness much worse.

Later, the waiter came back with the champagne and poured the bottle of wine on the empty wine glasses that were left on the table.

When the waiter left them alone with their drinks, Bugs decides to step up start the first official conversation.

"So, um...I just wanted to say thank you. For you know....saving my life back there. Who knows what could've happened to me if you and Cadet didn't find me in that predicament ." Bugs said while rubbing his neck with his hand.

"It's no problem. it's just something that we do best over here. We look out for everybody, no matter who they are worthy their lives are to us, we do what we can to protect those around us. Its part of our mission, our motto you know." Daffy said, smiling a bit, trying to hide the sadness that is underneath it.

"Oh right. Cadet told me about that." Bugs said sadly, thinking that his rescue was nothing more than just a duty that Daffy withhold to everyone.

Daffy frowned and tries to continue their brittled conversation that was slowly crumbling again.

"Listen, I'm sorry for being rude to you yesterday. I understood that you came from another time period and I should have respected that." Daffy said with a honest face that couldn't be hidden any longer.

"It's okay. I just could've sworn that you reminded me of my best friend. I guess I just really miss him." Bugs said looking down at the table.

"So, what was he like? This Daffy of yours. How much...did he mean to you?" Daffy asked curiously, a little anxious in his voice.

He looked straight at Bugs, hoping he can give him an answer that he had been looking for a long time.

Bugs face suddenly turned bright red as he continued to look down at the table, trying not to look at Daffy.

Shoot! Why did I say that?! Now what am I going to tell him? Bugs thought as he tries to come up with what he could say without giving too much away.

"Well Daffy he's...." Bugs said before he got interrupted by a squealing girl who came up behind them.

She is a tall human girl with short jet black hair and violet eyes.

Her outfit was a dark pink business dress with light pink gloves and long boots.

"....Ah! Captain Dodgers it's so good to see you and...Oh! Who's this?" The girl asked curiously when she noticed that Daffy had company.

"Likewise, Bugs this is Captain Aurora Soleil, she's one of the many Captains that supported my arrival and helped made me Captain in their crew." Daffy said sternly as he introduced the two with shaking hands.

"Nice to meet you sweetie. I'm sorry to cut this conversation short but I really must be going, I was offered a dance just a few moments ago by a handsome gentleman over there." Aurora said as she waved goodbye and walks over to Cadet, indicating that the two are dating.

"Now there's something you don't see every day." Bugs said, who was weirded out.

They see from afar Cadet dancing with her but independently as if they were partying at a night club.

"Oh yeah, she nice but she's one tough cookie. I don't even know what Cadet sees in her." Daffy lied.

He knew exactly what Cadet saw in her because he too had a crush on her once but like the rest, she never liked him like that.

Maybe, that was one of the many reasons why he feels a lot more insecure now about himself than he did when he was with the others back home.

He could never figure out why the world was so harsh and cruel.

No matter what century he was in, he was always a failure and can never do anything right.

For a long time, he was fine with the way his life was like with the others.

He had a loving girlfriend, a nice house to live in and a best friend by his side.

Everything was just perfect until one day, when his life fell apart so quickly.

It like a nightmare.

A fear coming to life.

His girlfriend broke up with him because he could never keep a job and although their relationship was always questionable, losing someone was his worst fear.

However, it didn't faze him as much because no matter how bad things got, he always had Bugs to keep him company.

He admit, he had been irritating to him the past several weeks and may have gone over the top with some of his complaints.

He only did it just so he find a way to keep his mind off of his breakup.

He wanted make things seem normal when in reality, they weren't and he just couldn't bring himself to tell Bugs how he was really feeling because he didn't want him to feel sorry for him.

But when they fought that day and when Bugs directly told him that he didn't want to be friends with him any more, his heart just completely shattered.

That was when he made the decision to willingly freeze his body for the scientists and become a somebody for once.

Even if meant making the biggest sacrifice, leaving the ones he cared about the most.

However, now that Bugs was back in his life again, Daffy wondered.

Could we give our friendship another try? Can he forgive me for being such a useless and pathetic friend? Can...our lives ever be the same again.... Daffy thought as he took a deep breath and decided to call it a night.

All of this confusion and heartache has made him exhausted.

"Hey, um it's getting late. Do you wanna try to get some sleep and we can talk about this more tomorrow?" Daffy asked rubbing his head.

"Um sure." Bugs said, nodding his head.

"Okay." Daffy said as he starts to get up and walk out when Bugs interrupted him.

"Actually. Can you walk with me back to my guest room? I'm still a little unfamiliar with the ship and I might get lost." Bugs lied.

He didn't want to end tonight so soon and abruptly.

He wanted to see if they can still talk a little longer before they go to sleep.

"Sure." Daffy said smiling a bit as he walked with him out of the restaurant and down the main hall.

Love Without Limitations: a Baffy (BugsXDaffy) FanficWhere stories live. Discover now