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(A/N: This is the sequel to 'Goodbye Agony' so if you haven't read that yet, go read it, then come back to this one.)

Erm I'm not really sure how to start this off so hello.. I know you're probably wondering who I am, well, my name is Quinn. Quinn Raine Purdy.

My parents are Andy Biersack and Ashley Purdy, but I guess you already knew that.

I'm almost 17 years old, my birthday is next month.

Well, the last time you heard my parents story, they got engaged, not to mention I was only 2. Things changed a lot since then..

A few months after my dad proposed, my mom went in to labor. The doctors told my mom and dad that they were supposed to be having a baby girl before he even went in to labor. I was excited about having a baby sister. Well, they were extremely wrong. When I was about 2 and a half years old, I became a big brother.. But not to a baby girl. I became a big brother to two very annoying baby boys, they were twins obviously. I was angry with my parents, I literally didn't talk to my parents all week. Even though I hardly knew how to even talk, I still didn't say a word to them. Hey, I was only 2 and a half, I didn't know my parents couldn't control the gender of the baby or even the number of them. Mom and dad named them Casper and Jasper. I could only tell them apart because Jasper had brown eyes while Casper had blue eyes.

Anywho, a few months after they were born, my parents decided that our small apartment wouldn't be good enough for the 5 of us. So, we left Missouri and moved to California, Los Angeles to be exact. Jake, Jinxx and CC, who were basically my uncles, moved to LA as well. My parents band was getting bigger and more famous by the day. In a way, I was proud of my parents even though I was still little and didn't even know the definition of pride.

About a year after we moved to LA, my parents got married. I didn't know exactly what a marriage was but I did sorta know that it meant my parents would be together forever.

I started going to preschool by the time I was 3. I don't think I'll ever forget preschool, that was the time where everything started. You see, I was finding it a bit difficult to learn certain things like reading or even writing my own name. I couldn't focus on anything either, I never got any of the work done. It wasn't until I went to first grade that my mom thought it would be a good idea if he took me to a doctor. So he did. I took a bunch of tests, I was only about 5 or 6 years old, I had no idea what these tests were for. Well, a few weeks after I went to the doctor, my parents found out that I had dyslexia. I didn't know what that meant but they tried their best to explain it to me. I didn't realize how much that would effect my life.

When I went to first grade, I had terrible trouble learning. I couldn't understand anything being taught to me, everything was difficult to learn. The other kids used to bully me and call me "stupid" because I still spelled my name really wrong. They also teased me about being small, I had always been short and skinny. I didn't know the reason I was so small was because I was born premature, I didn't know that was the reason for my dyslexia either. My parents decided to put me in a "special" school for dyslexic kids. I went through elementary and middle school there. I was still bullied, the kids from my old school would come to my new school everyday just to bother me.

I started high school in a regular public school. There we're dyslexic programs there and special ed classes too.

I made a friend named Cassidy and another friend named Matt. They're the only people who've accepted me or taken the time to know me.

Casper and Jasper started high school, this year actually, and now go to the same school as I do. People like them a lot more than they like me. I mean, my brothers aren't popular, but they don't get made fun of that often. I on the other hand get made fun of every second of the school day.

Well, that's the summary of my life so far.

This is the story of how a young boy always held in the dark found the light, how he found love and how his life was changed forever.

This is my story.

(A/N: What'd you guys think so far? No school today, so I started on this. Your welcome. cx )

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