Chapter Eightteen- Andley

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Justin's POV

-Next Week-

I was driving the bus down the highway in somewhat of a rush. I had a bunch of things to do. I wanted to take Quinn out tonight since the band had a concert. Plus, I needed to go to the jewelry store and buy Quinn an engagement ring. I was gonna give it to him tonight on our date. Plus, I had to set up what I had planned for us.

Finally after about a long half hour, I parked the bus at a venue. The band came out from the back, ready for the show.
"We'll be back soon. We've got a signing afterward so we probably won't be back for a few hours." Andy told Jasper.
"Alright mom." Jasper nodded.
"Bye Quinn, Bye Casper!" Andy and Ashley shouted to them since they were in the back.
The band headed out of the door and pressed a button to close it behind them. I got out of my drivers seat and went to the back where Quinn and Jasper were talking while eating cookies.
"Quinn, baby, get dressed. I'm gonna head out for a minuet but I'll be right back." I told him.
"Okay." Quinn smiled.
"Love birds." Casper smirked.
"Shuddup." Quinn said, hitting him with a pillow. I chuckled before closing the door as I walked out.
"Jasper, I need you to do me a favor." I said, walking back to the front.
"What kind of favor?" Jasper asked.
"I need you to go out and get picnic stuff. Like a blanket and buy some sandwiches at a store, get drinks too like juice and some snacks. Then set it up on the beach not to far from here. I'll call you after I'm done ring shopping and I'll meet you at the beach then I'll come back here and pick up Quinn to bring him there." I explained.
"Alright I'm on it." Jasper said, standing up. I grabbed a 50 dollar bill out of my pocket and handed it to him. He shoved it in his jeans pocket and then we headed out the door.

We walked down the road together. I was gonna walk him to Walmart and then I was going to the jewelry store.
"So, you really love my brother don't you?" Jasper asked, breaking the silence.
"I do. He's the best thing to ever happen to me." I said.
"You know," he began, "I'm glad you two met. Truth be told, I don't think he'd be alive if it weren't for you. You're really the only thing that keeps him going."
"I can't even picture my world with out him." I admitted. It was sad to know that Quinn had nothing to love for. It hurt to know that he'd end his life if it weren't for me.
"Well then it's a good thing you two are together. You obviously can't live without eachother." Jasper smiled.

We talked for a little while longer until we got to Walmart.
"Okay so I need to get a blanket and snacks and drinks and food." Jasper said.
"Yes." I nodded.
"Alright, I got it. See ya in a bit." Jasper said before going in to Walmart.

I walked down a few blocks looking for a jewelry store. Finally after like a halfway of walking, I found one. I stepped inside and a sales woman greeted me.
"Hello, how can I help you?" She smiled as she stuck out her hand.
"I'm looking for engagement rings." I said as I shook her hand.
"Alright there's a display over here." The woman said before leading me to a huge display case. She got behind the counter as I browsed through the rings.

A ring with black diamonds around a clear diamond caught my attention.
"How much is that one?" I asked pointing to it.
"15,000." She told me. I got out my credit card from my wallet and handed it to her. I'd been saving up money for something, nothing in particular, well I guess this is what I'm spending it in. Not that I mind, I want the best things for Quinn.
"So what's the lucky woman's name?" The lady asked as she swiped my credit card.
"Actually his name is Quinn." I said smiling.
"Well congratulations." She smiled, returning my credit card to me.
"Thank you." I nodded.
"You're welcome." She replied before taking the ring out of the display case. She put the ring in a black box and then put it in a bag. She handed the bag to me and I thanked her before leaving the store.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Jasper's number. It rang 2 times before he answered.
"Okay so I set it up." Jasper said.
"Damn kid you work fast." I chuckled.
"So I've been told." He said.
"I'm in my way to the beach now." I said as I crossed a street.
"Alright. I'll be here. Waiting. All alone." He said in a fake sad tone.
"I'll be there in like a half hour, don't cry." I laughed.
"I'll try not to." He laughed.

We stayed in the phone until I got to the beach. I saw Jasper in the distance, sitting in the blanket. I finally walked up to him and saw that he had everything set up.
"Wait where's the food?" I asked. He pulled out a Subways bag and took out two sandwiches.
"Keeping it classy." Jasper joked. I rolled my eyes.
"I'll be back in a little bit. Watch the stuff." I said.
"Alright." He nodded. I put the bag with the ring down then began walking away.

I got to the bus a few minuets later. I got on and saw Quinn sitting on the couch watching tv and rubbing his belly. He looked up at me when I walked in.
"You said you were only stepping out for a minuet." He chuckled as he stood up. Quinn looked amazing, wearing a tight long sleeve black shirt where his baby bump was clearly visible. His belly was growing fast, it had clearly grown since last week. We probably only had like 3 or 4 weeks before we'd actually have to tell his parents.
"I know, I'm sorry." I apologized.
"It's fine babe." Quinn smiled before kissing my cheek.
"Come on beautiful, let's get going before your parents come back." I said before holding his hand. He nodded and with that we were out the door.

Quinn and I held hands as we walked down the road. We talked about a lot of things but mostly about our baby that was soon to be born.
"So, when the baby's born, are you gonna move in with me?" I asked.
"Hmm that depends. Unless my parents haven't trapped me in my room forever then I think I'll move in with you." He said.
"Alright then." I chuckled. Quinn smiled then tip toed to kiss my cheek.
"You're so cute and short." I smiled.
"I can't help it, I was born premature." He said, putting his hands at his hips.
"Being short is adorable though." I said before pecking his lips.
"Being short is a pain in the butt, I can't reach the high shelves in grocery stores." Quinn pouted.
"I'm sorry but that's so adorable." I laughed.
"Yea, yea, yea." Quinn said, rolling his eyes playfully.

We got to the beach and I led him over to the blanket where everything was set up. Jasper was standing there with a smile on his face.
"Oh Justin this all perfect." Quinn whispered.
"Anything for you, my love." I smiled before kissing his head.
"Hey, I helped too." Jasper said.
"Thank you, you can go now." Quinn smiled.
"Alright, I don't wanna be around for this love fest anyways." Jasper said.
"Bye Jasper, thanks again for helping me." I said.
"No problem," Jasper nodded, "Have fun." He began walking off and Quinn and I sat in the blanket.
"Ooh Subways sandwiches!" Quinn exclaimed grabbing the bag. He took out a sandwich and smelled it.
"It smells like mustard, it's definitely mine." He said.

We ate and talked as we watched the sun go down. I was full from eating but Quinn still ate more like a whole box of cookies. Of course he would, he's eating for two.

After he was done eating we just say there in silence.
"Close your eyes." I told him.
"Oh alright." He smiled before covering his eyes with his hands.
"No peaking." I said, getting the bag with the ring from behind me. He just nodded. I took out the box and opened it.
"Alright, you can open your eyes." I said. He opened his eyes and gasped at the sight of the ring.
"Oh my God Justin, I love it." Quinn smiled, extending his left arm toward me. I slipped the ring on his finger.
"I'm glad you do, beautiful." I smiled.

Soon, we laid down together on the blanket and looked up at the stars I held him in my arms as we talked about what we were gonna do once the baby was born. We talked about him moving in to my house with me, about what our wedding was gonna be like. We even talked about baby names for our little one.

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