Chapter One- Andley

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(A/N: Picture is Jasper and Casper. Jasper is on the left and Casper is on the right)

Quinn's POV

I walked in to the huge building called school also known as some sort of hell. Casper, Jasper and I parted ways the minuet we got out of my car. I walked to my locker and got out some text books I may need for science class.
"Hey Quinn." Cassidy said as she walked over to me.
"Hey." I smiled. We walked down the hallway together. I hadn't seen Matt which was sort of weird.
"See ya later Alligator." Cassidy laughed when we reached the science room. She was only walking me to class.
"After- ugh you know the rest." I chuckled before walking in to the science room. I sat in the back, trying to go unnoticed by the jerks in my school. Well, that obviously didn't work since they saw me and called me names when they walked inside the class room. The teacher, Mr. Dave, started writing some stuff on the board and I took out my notebook.

One Final Fight For This Tonight..

I wrote those lyrics down in the back of my notebook. I always wrote BVB lyrics in all of my books, I don't know why. I wasn't really paying attention to what the teacher was saying.
"Mr. Purdy, I hope you're paying attention." I heard Mr. Dave say. I just nodded and kept writing. Then I felt something being thrown at the the side of my head. It was a balled up piece of paper. I sighed and closed my notebook then put my head down.

Well, time passed by and it was lunch. I was sitting with Cassidy and Matt.
"I can't believe I'm failing Math ." Cassidy sighed.
"Same here." Matt sighed.
"I'm only failing Reading so ha in your faces." I laughed.
"Lucky." Matt said, glaring at me playfully. I laughed again at him. Matt was always so silly, he was the class clown.
"Quinn! Do you know what next month is!" Cassidy exclaimed.
"Erm March?" I questioned.
"Your birthday!" She smiled.
"Oh yea." I smiled slightly. To be honest, I hated my birthday. I hated being reminded that I was even born. I hated celebrating that, I myself wish it never would've happened.
"God you're so old," Matt laughed, "You're gonna be 17."
"I know, I'm practically a bag of dust." I chuckled.


I walked down the hallway as the final bell rung.
"Hey retard." Someone hissed while grabbing the collar of my shirt.
"Leave me alone!" I shouted. I wasn't all that intimidating, I was skinny and only 5'6 tall. Of course, this had to happen to me at the end of the school day. The guy threw me on to the floor and then his friends walked up to me. I knew what was coming, I already expected it. Then I felt it, a punch to the face. There were at least five guys and they each took turns punching and kicking me. It hurt but not as bad as it did the first time I ever got beat up. I was used to daily beatings, sometimes I was numb to them. I just laid there and let them beat me until they were done. What could I have done? I'm not much of a fighter, there was no use in trying.

They left after a few minuets and I stood up. My body ached and all I wanted to do was go home. I walked outside and looked around. The parking lot seemed pretty much empty. I walked to my car and found a note on my windshield, it was from Casper and Jasper. I read it and it said that they would be hanging out and for me to tell mom and dad that. I got in my car and started to pull out of the parking lot. Before I knew it, I was driving down the highway.

I parked my car in front of my house then got out. I walked up to the front door and knocked on it. Leave it to me to lose the house key. I heard the door being unlocked then it opened and I saw my mom standing there in front of me.
"Quinn, what happened to your face?" He asked referring to my busted lip and black eye.
"I fell down the stairs." I lied as I entered the house. My mom sighed as he locked the door.
"Go up to the bathroom, I'll be there in a second to clean up the cuts." He told me. I just nodded and walked upstairs. I walked in to the bathroom and sat at the edge of the bath tub. This was somewhat a routine for me. I'd come home all beat up, lie to my parents about what happened, then they'd help me clean myself up.

My mom came in to the bathroom and took out peroxide and some cotton balls. He dipped a cotton ball in to the peroxide then wiped my busted lip with it. He also wiped my eye with it.
"Quinn what really happened?" He asked.
"I told you, I fell." I sighed. He just dropped it and afterward, I headed straight to my room.

I traced the blade against my skin as I heard music playing in the background from my iPod. Pierce the Veil, actually. I traced the sharp blade against my wrist about 5 more times, cutting over old scars or even opening some old cuts. I felt tears falling from my eyes as I threw the blade across the room. I brought my knees to my chest and started sobbing.
"Darling You'll Be Okay," the song played.
I just shook my head and sobbed harder. I hated myself so much, for what reason, I don't know. I think I maybe hated myself for everything, for burdening people, for being so stupid, for feeling like I was never good enough.

After a few minuets, I stopped crying, instead I just sat there on my bed, hugging my knees and listening to Hold On Till May. I sniffled occasionally at the lyrics. These lyrics were my life and for some reason, I had always been in love with this song. It wasn't long before I heard a knock at my door.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"It's me." I heard my dad say from behind the door.
"Come in." I said. I saw the door slowly open and my dad walked in. He closed the door behind him then he sat next to me on my bed.
"I heard about what happened at school." He said.
"I just tripped and fell, what's the big deal?" I muttered. I knew nobody believed me, but that was my story and I was sticking to it.
"I know you didn't just trip and fall. Trust me, I know every lie there is for getting beat up."
"Whatever, so I got beat up, who cares." I said bitterly before turning my head and looking out of the window.
"Do you want to talk about it?" Dad asked, I shook my head. He nodded and stood up then kissed my head before leaving my room. I laid down and closed my eyes. That's all I remembered before falling asleep until mom came in to wake me up for dinner.

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