Chapter Fifthteen- Andley

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-3 weeks later-

Quinn's POV

I was rummaging through the cabinet, looking for food. God, we really needed to go grocery shopping, I was starving and actually willing to eat.
"Daaaaaaaad!" I called through the bus. My dad came from the bunks and in to the kitchen.
"Yes?" He questioned.
"I'm hungry." I whined.
"We're stopping in a little bit. Just hang in there. We're staying at a hotel tonight too." Dad told me.
"Finally I get a bed to myself, I'm tired of sleeping in bed with those two giants." I said. It's true, my brothers were way taller than me, when they turned over, I always got squished.
"Well we're gonna be pulling over in like an hour or two so just eat some crackers or something for now." Dad said before walking away to the bunks. I groaned and hopped on the counter, looking through another cabinet. I found a whole box of fruit snacks and I grinned to myself. I got off the counter and looked around. Everyone was in their bunks so I took this as an opportunity to talk to Justin.

I quickly ran to the front and up to the drivers seat. He glanced up at me and smiled before looking at the road.
"Hey, beautiful." Justin said, still focused on the road.
"Hey babe." I smiled as I opened the box of snacks. I pulled one out and ripped it open.
"Fattie." Justin chuckled.
"Shuddup." I said before pouring the whole pack in my mouth.
"Are you gonna share?" He questioned. I shook my head as I chewed what was in my mouth. I swallowed and Justin looked up at me.
"What?" I questioned.
"You usually have no appetite. It's just a bit odd that you're eating." He said before looking back at the road.
"Well I dunno, I'm just hungry." I shrugged before walking to the couch. I sat down and ate another package of fruit snacks. I ate another one and another one and before I knew it the box was gone.
"Hey fat ass." Casper teased as he sat on a couch.
"Shut up!" I exclaimed before running in to the bathroom. I sat on the toilet seat and cried. I wasn't fat was I? But why did any of this matter to me anyway? Why was I crying?
"Quinn, I was just kidding." I heard Casper say from the other side of the door. Before I could even answer, I felt something rushing up my throat. I put the toilet seat up and started throwing up in to the toilet. I stopped after like 5 minuets. I flushed the toilet before getting up and brushing my teeth. That was like the second time I've thrown up today, which was weird. I had no idea though. Maybe I ate something bad, that's probably it.

Afterward, I left the bathroom and went to the back where Jasper was talking on the phone with someone. I crawl in to bed, hoping to get some rest.


I just finished ordering room service and believe me, my parents told me to get whatever I wanted and that's exactly what I did. I laid on the bed, waiting for my food. I was sharing a room with Jasper and Casper but we each had our own beds.
Not long after, there was a knock at the door. Jasper answered it, it was the lady delivering our food. She gave us each our food and we thanked her. I got red velvet ice cream cake and a bowl of mac and cheese with honey mustard. My brothers thought it was pretty gross to eat mac and cheese with honey mustard but I didn't care.

Afterward, I found myself at the toilet, throwing up yet again.
"Dude, are you alright? You've been sick all day." Casper said.
"Maybe he ate something bad." Jasper told him. I nodded before throwing up again. When I finished, I flushed the toilet and brushed my teeth.
"Maybe mom should take you to the doctor." Jasper said. I rinsed the toothpaste out of my mouth before saying, "no."
"Why not?" Casper asked.
"I hate doctors." I stated before making my way past them and to my bed.
"But you could be really sick." Jasper said sitting beside me.
"I'll be fine. I just need some rest." I said before laying down.
"Alright." He nodded and got off my bed.

I thought that it was nothing, I thought that I was fine. I was so incredibly wrong.

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