Chapter Seventeen- Andley

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(A/N: The picture is so cute ^-^ and it relates to this chapter, okay on the story!)

Quinn's POV

"What?" I asked.
"I love you Quinn, you're my everything. Will you marry me?" Justin asked again. I couldn't believe what I was hearing, I couldn't believe that Justin just proposed to me.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you." I smiled as I nodded. I didn't even know tears were falling from my eyes until Justin wiped them away.

I didn't care what my parents had to say about this, I loved Justin and I wanted to marry him. I didn't care how much older than me he was, age didn't matter to me.We'd only have to wait a year to be married since I'm already 17. All that mattered to me was being with Justin forever and having his baby. I did have to admit, I was nervous about having a baby at such a young age but I knew Justin was here for me and the baby.

"How are we gonna tell your parents about all this?" Justin asked, shaking me out of my thoughts.
"I don't want to tell them just yet. I want to hold it off as long as I can." I told him.
"Well we can't wait too long, you're already starting to show a little." Justin said, poking my belly.
"I'll just wear oversized hoodies and stuff, they'll never know." I shrugged.
"Alright." Justin nodded.
"I'm gonna head to bed, I'm pretty tired." I said, standing up.
"Goodnight babe, I love you." Justin said, looking up at me.
"Nighty night, love you too." I replied. Before I could walk away, Justin grabbed my sides and I stood closer in front of him.
"And goodnight to you little one, I love you already." He whispered to my belly. I giggled as he kissed my belly a few times. He let my sides go then I started walking to the back. I looked back at Justin and he blew me a kiss. I pretended to catch it and he chuckled. I smiled and headed to the back room.

I changed into my pajamas and put the bag with my ultrasound picture in my suitcase before laying beside Jasper in bed.
"Quinn?" Jasper said, half asleep.
"Go back to sleep." I whispered so I didn't wake Casper up either.
"How did things go at the hospital?" Jasper asked, despite the fact that he was falling asleep again.
"We'll talk about it in the morning." I mumbled. He nodded and literally a second later, he was snoring. I rolled over and soon enough I was asleep myself.

Jasper's POV

I woke up early as usual, before anyone. I just wanted Quinn to wake up so he can tell me what happened at the hospital yesterday. I just hope he's gonna be okay. I don't want anything to happen to him.. If you haven't noticed, Quinn and I are pretty close. Even though Casper is my twin, I'm hardly close with him. At least not as close as I am with Quinn. Quinn is more of my twin than Casper is. Anyways, like I said, I don't want anything bad to be happening to him. I hope it's just the flu.

I got out of bed with out waking anyone up and walked to the kitchen area of the bus. No one was up at all and it was like 9:00 am. You'd think someone would be up by now.

I saw Justin sleeping on the couch, snoring as usual. I thought it was cute that he and Quinn were together. I mean, yea he is a lot older than Quinn but they were in love and anyone could see that. I knew Justin really cared about Quinn, I knew he really loved him.

Justin turned over and his shirt rose up a little. I saw writing on his hip, it looked like the tattoo of a name. Curiously, I tip toed over to him and read what the tattoo said. Holy crap it was a tattoo of Quinn's name. I never even noticed that was there. I mentally screamed at how cute they were together before I lifted his shirt down so my parents would see it.

I went back to the kitchen area and looked through a cabinet for something to eat. I found a box of cookies and grabbed it. Then I grabbed a juice box and headed to the back with my stuff. I climbed on to the bed quietly and sat down before opening the box of cookies.

Only a half hour passed before Casper woke up and stole some of my cookies. Afterward, he walked to the front where everyone else was already awake.

A few minuets went by and I saw Quinn starting to wake up. He opened his eyes and looked up at me.
"What time is it?" He asked, still sounding sleepy.
"Almost 10:00." I answered, biting into another cookie. Quinn sat up and stretched then yawned.
"So let's talk about yesterday." I said before sipping some apple juice from my juice box. Quinn nodded and stood up an closed the room door, locking it too.
"You have to promise me that you won't tell mom and dad." Quinn said. I nodded. Quinn sighed before walking to his suitcase.

I was a bit nervous as to what was going on. He took a bag out if his suitcase and reached inside of it. He sat beside me before pulling a paper out of the bag. He slowly handed me the paper. I turned it over and looked at what it was, an ultrasound picture. There was a tiny circle in the middle of the picture.
"Are you-" I began to ask.
"Pregnant? Yea, I'm pregnant." Quinn answered, smiling slightly.
"Oh my fucking God!" I squealed like some teenage girl.
"I didn't think you'd be this happy about it." Quinn chuckled.
"I'm gonna be an uncle!" I said excitedly.
"Keep it down, I don't want mom or dad finding out." Quinn told me.
"Okay," I nodded, "Wait, can I see your belly? Are you showing yet?"
"I'm showing a little." Quinn said before lifting up his baggy shirt. I saw that his belly was sticking out a little and it was getting more round.
"Aww." I cooed.
"Yea.. And there's even bigger news than this." Quinn smiled.
"What is it?" I asked.
"Justin proposed to me.. I said yes." Quinn said.
"Oh my God! I'm so happy for you guys!" I exclaimed, smiling like crazy.
"Thanks baby bro." Quinn giggled. I hugged him tight and he hugged back.
"I better be your fucking dude of honor best man or some shit like that." I told him.
"You will be, stop bitching." He laughed.
"Should we tell Casper?" I asked.
"Maybe. He has a big mouth though." Quinn said.
"Okay then this will just be a secret till you tell everyone." I said. Quinn nodded.
"Wait Quinn," I began, "I saw Justin's tattoo of your name."
"Oh you did?" He blushed.
"Yep." I nodded. Quinn lowered his pajama bottoms just under his hips, revealing a tattoo that said, " of out lives." On his left hip and "Justin" on his other hip.
"His left hip starts off 'Every Day For The..' and in finishes on my hip." Quinn explained.
"You guys are too freaking cute." I smiled.
"Why thank you." Quinn said, returning the smile. He grabbed a black hoodie and pulled it on.

Quinn and I walked to the front of the bus where everyone was eating.
"Finally you two join us." Dad said.
"I already ate, I'm not hungry." I said.
"We know you already ate, there's a whole box of cookies missing." Mom said looking up at me.
"I was hungry." I shrugged. Mom gave me one of his "mom" looks that he uses whenever we do something we're not supposed to. Quinn sat down next to dad and gladly accepted a plate of food. Mom looked a bit hurt. Quinn normally always sits with mom, he's a momma's boy. However, since this whole thing happened when mom caught Quinn and Justin having sex, Quinn hardly talks to mom. It's only because mom is keeping him and Justin apart. Sometimes, Quinn goes a whole day without talking to mom. It just hurts mom more and more and it makes him feel like a horrible parent. Hopefully mom doesn't get too crazy when he finds out about Quinn being pregnant.

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