Chapter Twenty- Andley

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Quinn's POV

We'd been staying at Nan and Pop's house for 4 days and I was going absolutely crazy with out seeing Justin. Sure, I text him and stuff but I haven't actually seen him in days.I did have to go to a doctors appointment for the baby though so I needed someone to cover for me while I was out. Justin knew about it and agreed to go with me. We were gonna meet up somewhere.

I walked in to the living room where Nan was knitting something.
"Nan, I need your help." I said as I sat beside her.
"What's wrong Quinn?" She asked.
"I have to go to a doctors appointment for the baby but I don't know how I can leave with out my parents getting suspicious." I told her.
"Okay," she nodded, "Im going to a friends house in a half hour anyway so I'll tell Andy and Ashley that im taking you with me."
"Okay Nan. Thank you so much." I smiled before hugging her.
"You're welcome Sweetheart. Now go get ready." Nan told me. I nodded before heading out of the living room. I walked up to the room my brothers and I were sharing.
"Hey there short stuff." Jasper said once I walked into the room.
"Hey there mutant." I said as I reached in to my suitcase.
"Where are you going?" Casper asked me. I couldn't actually tell him where I was going because he doesn't even know im pregnant.
"In going with Nan to her friends house." I answered.
"Gee sounds like fun." He said sarcastically. I rolled my eyes and got out a plain black shirt and red skinny jeans. I was trying to enjoy my skinny jeans while I could before I had to wear ugly maternity jeans.

Jasper stood up and walked over to me.
"Where are you really going?" He whispered to me.
"Doctors appointment for the baby." I whispered back.
"Im hungry, did Nan make anything to eat?" Casper asked.
"Yea she made Chicken soup." I answered. Casper nodded and left the room. Jasper walked to the door and closed it.
"Hurry up and get dressed before Casper comes back." Jasper said before walking to the bed and sitting down.

I took off my pajama shirt and slid off my pajama pants. I grabbed my skinny jeans and slid them on. I tried to button it but it was kinda hard to do so. Just as I went to try again, the door opened.

"Quinn, Nan told me-" My dad began as he walked in but he stopped at the sight of me.

Fear coursed through my body and I froze. My dad just stood there staring at my enlarged belly. Dad closed the door behind his back.
"Are you pregnant Quinn?" Dad asked, taking in a shaky breath.
"I.. Yes.." I nodded.
"Dad, don't be mad at him or anything." Jasper said in my defense. Dad didn't say anything he just stared at my belly.
"Daddy.. I-I'm sorry.." I choked out. Dad walked over to me and held me in his arms. I thought that he would be upset or angry with me for even being pregnant.

I felt tears slipping down my cheeks as I rested my head against Dad's chest.
"Quinn, I'm not mad if that's what you're thinking." Dad said softly.
"I-I just don't want you to be disappointed in me for this. I didn't mean for this to happen." I sobbed.
"I'm not disappointed in you for this. It's not your fault, I know things like this happen. Trust me I know." Dad told me. He pulled a bit away from me to look in to my eyes. He wiped my tears away with his thumbs.
"I'm not angry with you for this Quinn. Of course I'm a bit shocked about all this but I'm not mad. I love you Quinn and I already love your little one, I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me about this." Dad told me. I nodded, unable to say anything. After about a minuet or so, I spoke up.
"Dad, how am I supposed to tell mom?" I asked.
"Don't worry Quinny, I'll be there with you when you tell him." Dad assured me.
"Okay," I nodded, "I've gotta get ready because I have a doctors appointment for the baby."
"Alright." Dad said as he let me go.

I buttoned up my pants and pulled on my shirt.
"How far along are you?" Dad asked.
"About 2 months." I answered, smiling a little.
"Holy shit, I can't believe that I'm gonna be grandpa." Dad chuckled.
"God, you're so old Dad." Jasper said, laughing.
"I'm only 36." Dad laughed. I pulled a hoodie on over my shirt.
"I'm gonna call Justin so we can go together." I said.
"Okay. Bring Justin here on your way back so we can tell your mom about all this." Dad said.
"I'm scared to tell him. He already hates Justin." I sighed.
"It'll be okay Quinny, I promise." Dad assured me. I nodded and slipped on my converse. I took out my cell phone and dialed Justin's number.

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