Chapter Twenty-Eight- Andley

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-Two weeks later-

(A/N: Quinn's belly now.)

(WARNING: This chapter may be triggering)

Justin's POV

"Hmm. I think the crib should go over there." Quinn said as he pointed to the corner of the room.

"Alright." I nodded.

"No wait!" He exclaimed, "It'll look better over there. The dresser can be at the corner."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yep I'm 100 percent positive." Quinn nodded before putting a hand over his huge belly.

"Okay then." I said then stepped out of the room.

I pushed a large box, which had a silver crib in it, to what was soon to be Rosalina's nursery. Quinn had picked out most of the stuff for her. He was definitely super excited to be having a little girl. I was excited too, I couldn't wait to finally hold her in a few months. I knew she would be just as beautiful as Quinn was.

I started opening the box and looked inside at all the pieces. I looked over at Quinn who was getting out the actual crib stuff like the sheet and the bedding. I took the pieces of the crib out the box then started putting it together.

It wasn't long before I finished putting the pieces of the crib together. Quinn started setting up the the bedding in the crib and everything. He placed a few stuffed animals in there too.

"Do you think she'll like it?" Quinn asked.

"She's gonna love it, beautiful." I assured him.

I pushed the dresser in the room and put it where Quinn wanted me to put it. I also moved a really comfy chair in the room for when ever Quinn and I would sit and feed her or rock her to sleep.

After we were done putting the furniture where it needed to go, we walked back in to my living room and sat on the couch.

"So, when are you gonna be moving in, love?" I asked him.

"I'm not sure. Soon though. I have to talk to my parents about it." He answered.

"Alright." I nodded.

I looked over at Quinn and he had a weird look on his face before he sat in a different position.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Yea, the baby's just kicking, that's all." Quinn, said moving in another position.

"Really?" I smiled.

He just nodded and managed to put a smile on his face. I kneeled down off the couch and got in front of him. I placed both of my hands on his huge belly and smiled to myself. Only four months to go until our little baby girl would be here.

Before I could think anymore, I felt a bump or like a little tap against my hand.

"She just kicked at your hand." Quinn giggled.

"That's freaking amazing." I said, skidding my right hand along Quinn's belly.

I stood there, rubbing Quinn's belly and smiling to myself before I spoke up.

"Hey there baby girl," I said softly to his belly, "I'm your daddy. I'm not so sure if you can hear me but I just wanna tell you that I love you. I really do. I bet you'll be just as beautiful as your mommy cause your mommy here is the most beautiful person I've ever seen. Well, I guess I should wrap this up cause I know you're probably in there like, 'why the hell is this creep talking to me?' so yea, I love you my little princess."

"Justin," Quinn chuckled, "I'm sure Rosalina doesn't think you're creep."

"How do you know that? For all we know she could think we're all creeps and just be a socially awkward potato." I retorted, sitting back up beside him.

"Socially awkward potato?" Quinn wondered.

"Yea Quinn, not all of us can be social butterflies, y'know?" I said, rolling my eyes.

"What the fuck do potatoes and butterflies have to do with being social?" He asked, laughing.

"Everything." I laughed.

Quinn stood at my house a little while longer, just until it started getting dark outside. He thought he should start getting home before his parents worry.

Quinn's POV

So Justin drove me home at like 7:00. I thanked him for driving me then we practically made out for like 10 minuets before I actually got out of the car.

I walked up to the door and took out my keys then unlocked the door. I pushed the door opened and was instantly greeted by the scent of food. I kicked the door closed then looked around.

"Hey Quinn." Dad said from the couch.

"Hey dad, where's mom?' I asked, walking over to the couch.

"In the kitchen." Dad answered then turned his attention back over to the tv. I think he was watching some reality tv show.

I walked to the kitchen and saw mom stirring something in a pot on the stove.

"Hey mom." I said as I walked in.

"Hi sweetie, how was your time at Justin's?" He asked, glancing at me.

"It was good, we finished decorating the baby's room together." I answered, looking in to the pot and I saw that mom was making spaghetti.

"That's good. Go get your brothers, dinner's almost ready and I need them to set the table." Mom said, still stirring.

"Sure mom." I nodded.

I walked up the staircase in the kitchen cause I was too lazy to use the stairs near the living room. I walked to Casper's room and knocked on the door. A few seconds passed before the door opened and he was standing in front of me.

"Oh hey Quinn." Casper said, scratching the back of his hair.

"Hey erm mom wants you to go downstairs and set the table." I told him.

He nodded and made his way past me. So then I walked to Jasper's room. I was still pissed as ever that he was dating Matt so I hadn't really talked to him these past few weeks. Before I knocks don the door, I heard him talking and I figured he was on the phone.

"I know, I miss you too babe," I heard Jasper say through the door, "I can't wait to get off of punishment so I can go see you. I miss your amazing kisses. What? No you're even cuter. Nope you are."

After that, I decided that I heard enough and I stormed off to my room.

I closed the door before sliding down with my back against it. I began crying an sobbing to myself and did something I hadn't done in a while, I scratched at my wrists. Hard.

Why was I so upset over Matt? Why couldn't I just let him go? Why couldn't my stupid feelings for him just go away? Why couldn't I just be happy for my brother? Why couldn't I just be happy for myself? For God fucking sake I was engaged and going to be a mommy in a few months! Why couldn't I just be happy with the way everything was?

I kept asking myself these questions over and over. I stood up and walked over to my dresser and rummaged through my top drawer. I finally got out a razor blade that I hadn't used since before I went on the tour with my parents. I sat on my bed and stared at the sharp metal thing in my hands contemplating on relapsing. I hadn't cut since the whole thing with Cassidy. I didn't know what I should do, this was the only way I could cope with my problems.

I dragged the cold metal against my wrist two times. I saw blood but I felt numb. So I dragged it again a little higher and a little deeper. I took in a deep breath as I continued this another 3 times, each time harder than the last. Then I got to work on my left wrist. I saw the scars that formed the word "useless" on my forearm. I just carved deep lines over it and cried to myself. Tears fell from my eyes and on to my wrist, mixing with the blood oozing out.

I suddenly stopped and looked at my arm, at what I had done. I hated myself for it.

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