Chapter Thirty-Four- Andley

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Quinn's POV

Okay so we've been stuck in traffic for the past 15 minuets and I swear Im ready to kill someone. We'd only moved up a few feet and I was screaming at the top of my lungs in pain the whole time.

"Justin, I swear to god if you don't get me to a hospital I will gauge your eyes out!" I shouted as I felt another contraction hit me.

"How the hell am I supposed to get you to a hospital? We're stuck in traffic." Justin replied slightly annoyed.

"Um we've gotta do something.. hmm maybe you'll just have to have the baby in the car." Kenzie said.

"No Im not having my baby in a car!" I exclaimed.

"Look, the traffics lightening up, we'll be at the hospital with in an hour tops." Justin told me.

So an hour passed and we moved up more but we were still up on the highway. Traffic fucking happened again.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I screamed out.

Kenzie took my hand and held, understanding what I was going through. I squeezed his hand tight when i felt yet another contraction hit me.

"Well do any of you know how to deliver a baby?" Alex asked.

Justin and Kenzie looked at each other and shrugged.

"Guys it hurts a lot." I whined.

"Don't worry beautiful, Im gonna get you to a hospital soon." Justin assured me.


Finally, another whole hour passed before traffic finally let up and Justin was speeding down the highway to the nearest hospital.

Justin parked the car in the hospital lot then rushed over to the back door. I hardly had time to un do my seat belt before Justin had picked me up. Alex and Kenzie got out the car and followed Justin as he carried me in to the building.

Just as we got inside a nurse passed us and looked at us strangely.

"My boyfriend is having a baby, are you gonna stand there and stare at us or are you gonna help us?" Justin snarled.

The lady quickly escorted us to a room. Alex and Kenzie stayed behind in the waiting room.


"Did you call my parents?" I asked as Justin walked back in to the room.

"Yea, they said they'd be here in a few. Well first your mom cried then said that they'd be here in a few. " Justin answered.

I nodded and felt a contraction his me so I gripped on to the side of the bed.

"It's okay, love, the pain will be over soon." Justin told me, sitting down in a chair next to the bed.

A few nurses came in and set up everything that they would need before 2 doctors came in.

"Hello Mr. Purdy, I'm Doctor Penelope and I'll be delivering your baby today." A cheerful doctor beamed at me.

I was in a massive amount of pain so I didn't say anything, I just nodded slightly.

"And I'm Doctor Carla, I'll be assisting with the delivery." The other doctor said.

She didn't seem as cheerful as Doctor Penelope but whatever.

"Now, let's get started." Doctor Penelope said before pulling on a pair of hospital gloves.


Ashley's POV

I parked the car in the hospital lot and as soon as I did, Andy ran out the car. I got out and so did the twins. We followed behind Andy who disappeared inside the building with in seconds.

When we got inside we saw Alex and Kenzie sitting in a few chairs in the waiting room.

"Is Quinn having the baby right now?" Andy asked them frantically.

"We don't really know, probably, we've been for a half hour so maybe." Kenzie shrugged.

Andy sat down beside Kenzie and I sat beside him while the twins sat across from us.

"God, I hope he's okay Ash." Andy said softly.

"Don't worry Andy baby, I'm sure he's just fine." I assured him but he didn't seem to believe me.

I guess he was paranoid because of what happened when he gave birth to Quinn but I kept assuring him that there was no reason to worry and that the baby would be fine.


I stared up at Andy who was pacing back and forth worriedly while scratching at his wrist.

"Andy, calm down, Quinn is fine. if he wasn't somebody would've came out here to tell us." I told him.

"But he's been back there for 4 hours Ash and I'm just scared." Andy said before standing in place.

I stood up and wrapped my arms around him and he rested his head on my shoulder.

"I promise you that Quinn is okay." I said before kissing his head.

He only sighed and nodded slightly. We stood like that for a few minuets before someone tapped me on the shoulder. I looked back and saw Justin standing there with a smile on his face. By now Kenzie, Alex and the twins were standing up, staring at him. Andy looked up at him with curiosity.

"Are you two ready to meet your grand daughter?" Justin asked.

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