Chapter Twenty-one- Andley

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Justin's POV

When we stepped out of the clinic building, Quinn got out his phone and called his Dad to come get us. We waited about a half hour until a car pulled up. I saw Ashley in the car with another woman who I assumed was his grandmother.

I opened the back car door for Quinn and he got inside. I got in next to him and closed the door behind me.
"Hey Ashley." I said.
"Hey Justin." Ashley said before beginning to drive off.
"Justin, that's my Nan. Nan, this is my boyfriend Justin." Quinn said.
"It's nice to meet you." Quinn's Nan smiled.
"Nice to meet you too Mrs-"
"Please sweetheart," she said cutting me off, "Just call me Nan."
"Okay, nice to meet you too Nan." I smiled.

Ashley drove us all the way back to his grandparents house. Just as I went to open the door, Quinn grabbed my shirt. I looked at him and he looked terrified and was taking shaky breaths.
"Quinn-" I began.
"I-I can't breathe.." He said before taking a deep breath. I think he was having an anxiety attack.

Ashley looked back at us and got out the car. Ashley came and opened the back door, taking Quinn out of the car. I got out right after him.
"Quinny, just relax, everything is gonna be perfectly fine." Ashley said in an attempt to calm him down. Nan got out of the car and watched Ashley try to calm Quinn down. Quinn nodded and tried to relax. I grabbed his hand and rubbed it, hoping to comfort him.
"Babe, it's gonna be alright." I said before kissing his hand.
"O-Okay.." Quinn stuttered. We began walking toward the house, Ashley had Quinn in his arms protectively as we walked.

Nan took out her keys and opened the door. I had to admit, I was scared about telling Andy all of this, but, he needed to know. We walked inside and I closed the door behind us. Jasper saw us from the kitchen and went wide eyed. I chuckled and grave him a small wave.
"Finally you guys are back-" Andy began as he came in from the living room. He saw that I was standing there and looked at me with disgust.
"What the hell is he doing here?" Andy hissed.
"Mom, I've got something to tell you." Quinn said, standing next to me. I put my arm around his waist, feeling him shaking.
"I'm pregnant.. And Justin and I are engaged." Quinn told him.

Andy's POV

I was sitting in the living room with Casper watching some cartoon. All I know was that Casper seemed to enjoy it and there's nothing really to do so I watched it with him. It wasn't long before I heard the door open. Ashley went to go pick up Nan and Quinn who were at her friends house.

I stood up and started to make my way toward them.
"Finally you guys are back-" I began but I stopped when I saw Justin standing there with them. I looked at him with complete disgust, I still didn't like him.
"What the hell is he doing here?" I hissed. Quinn stood next to Justin.
"Mom I've got something to tell you." Quinn said. Justin wrapped an arm around his waist and I felt myself start to get angry.
"I'm pregnant.. And Justin and I are engaged." Quinn said, looking completely scared.

I couldn't fucking believe what he just told me. I felt myself start to tremble with anger. I looked up at that bastard Justin who looked worried.
"WHAT THE HELL DID YOU DO TO MY BABY BOY!?" I screamed going to attack him. Ashley got a hold of me and pulled me away. I still tried to throw myself forward and hit him or punch him.
"Andy relax! It's not that serious!" Ashley exclaimed.
"He ruined our sons life! I fucking hate him!" I screamed again.
"Listen, Andy, you can hate me all you want but I love Quinn and I'm going to be part of his and our baby's life whether you like it or not." Justin said.
"I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU!" I yelled, squirming to get free from Ashley's grip.
"Andy, baby, you need to calm down." Ashley told me.
"No! Look at what he's done to our baby boy and it's like you don't even fucking care Ashley! Our son is pregnant! He's only 17 years fucking old!" I exclaimed.
"Well you got pregnant at 14, why is it so bad that I'm pregnant now?!" Quinn exclaimed at me.
"I don't want you to go what I went through.. I wanted so much better for Quinn.." I said in a now soft voice. I wasn't struggling to break away from Ashley anymore.
"Mom.. Justin's gonna be here with me through it all I'll be okay.. I just hope you will be here too." Quinn said, tears falling from his eyes. I didn't say anything.
"And if you don't want to be here with me through it all, if you're not going to accept this.. Then I never want to see you again." Quinn said. I felt tears instantly pouring from my eyes as I looked up at him. How could he even say something like that?
"Don't become your mother." Quinn choked out before walking out the front door. Justin went right behind him.
"Let me go!" I yelled at Ashley.
"Andy-" Ashley began.
"Let me go." I whispered. His arms immediately released me and I walked through the kitchen where Jasper just looked up at me. I walked out the back door and stood in the backyard. I needed air, I just needed to think.

I know, I over reacted but I couldn't help it. I just didn't want Quinn or any of my kids to have to deal with a baby at such a young age. I never wanted them to have to through that. I've never regretted having Quinn himself but I just regretted having him at such a young age. I know I acted like a total bitch but it was only because I care about Quinn and I was furious that he would have to be put through this, I only wanted the best for him.

When he told me, "Don't become your mother." I felt like a monster.. I don't want Quinn to hate me, that's the last thing I want. Quinn was my baby and I loved him, I cared for him. This was just a lot to take in.

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