Chapter Two- Andley

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Quinn's POV

It was dinner and everyone was sitting around the table. I was pushing some food around on my plate, not bothering to eat.
"Are you alright Quinn?" Mom asked as he looked over at me. I nodded and pushed some peas around with my fork, not glancing up at my parents.
"So Jasper, Casper, how was your day?" Mom asked the twins.
"Good." They said in unison.
"God you guys really are typical twins." I chuckled, glancing up at them.
"Shuddup Quinny." Casper teased.
"Don't call me that you annoying brat." I hissed. I hated when people called me that, only dad could call me that.
"Quinny Quinny Quinny Quinny!" He taunted.
"You're about to be Casper the friendly ghost if you don't shut the fuck up!" I shouted.
"Quinn!" Dad exclaimed.
"He started it!" I huffed, throwing my hands up in defense.
"Casper stop taunting your brother." Mom sighed.
"Fineeee." Casper rolled his eyes.
"Just ignore him, you know how he can get." Jasper whispered to me. Thank God I had at least Jasper to understand me. He was the only one in the house that I could connect with.
"Anyways, before you two started arguing," Mom began, "We were gonna tell you guys that we have good news."
"You're pregnant?!" Casper, Jasper and I exclaimed looking at him. That was our first immediate thought at the mention of "good news".
"No!" He and dad exclaimed.
"Andy's not pregnant. The news is that we're going on tour." Dad explained. The twins and I sighed in relief.
"Wait- why is that good news?" I asked. They went on tour all the time, it was no surprise. Why was this tour any different?
"Well, this tour, you guys are coming with us!" Mom smiled. The twins cheered and gave each other high fives. I smiled to myself because I was only happy that I would be getting a break from everything especially school.
"When's tour? When do we leave?" I asked excitedly.
"We leave in a week." Dad answered. After another few minuets of talking about tour, dinner had finished. The twins went up to their rooms too.
"I'll take the dishes to the kitchen. Ashy come help me." Mom said as he stood up.
"But Andyyyy." Dad complained.
"Ashy stop being lazy." Mom laughed and picked up a few plates. I chuckled before standing up.
"I'll help you mom." I said and grabbed a few plates.
"Thank you Quinn, at least someone likes to help me around here." He said, glaring at dad.
"In my defense- eh I got nothing." Dad shrugged. Mom rolled his eyes and we headed to the kitchen, carrying plates and silverware. I placed the dishes in the sink and he did the same.
"Tell your brother to come wash the dishes." Mom told me.
"Which one?" I asked.
"Casper." Mom said. I nodded and walked upstairs. I knocked on Casper's room door. Heavy Metal was blasting on the other side. After a few minuets, the door opened and there was Casper.
"What do you want short stuff?" He asked me. So what if he was 5'11? I was still older than him and I could still kick his ass.
"Mom says to go do the dishes." I said, looking up at him. He nodded and closed the door behind him. He walked passed me and went down to the kitchen.

Andy's POV

Quinn nodded and went upstairs to go get Casper. A few seconds later, Ashley came in to the kitchen. He walked up to me and wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Okay, so you can come over here to be all lovey dovey, but you can't help me clear the dishes?" I chuckled.
"Andy, clearing dishes is so much work." He sighed then started kissing my neck. I moaned slightly as he trailed kisses up and down my neck. He lifted me up and sat me on the counter as he kissed my neck and started sucking on my skin. My moans grew louder as he left love bites all over my neck.
"EWWW GROSS!" I heard Casper exclaim. Ashley pulled away from me and I'm sure I was bright red.
"Just do the dishes, mister." I said as I hopped off the counter.


"Ashy, I'm a bit worried about Quinn." I admitted as I brushed out my hair. It was short but hey, it still needed to be brushed out.
"I know," Ashley agreed, "Maybe we should put him in different school. One for just dyslexic kids."
"But I don't want him feeling well.. Stupid or anything." I sighed and put the brush down.
"Andy, he's dyslexic, it might be best for him. If anything, he might feel smarter. He'll probably feel like he understands things better." Ashley told me. I just nodded and sat next to him in bed.
"At least he's coming with us on tour. It'll be good to get him out of school and away from those fucking bullies." I said the last part with hate. I hated when Quinn would come home beat up, it made me want to go down to that school and beat up those kids myself. I was extremely protective over Quinn. Of course, I was protective over Casper and Jasper but I was most protective over Quinn.
"Andy, things will be alright. The kids will come with us on tour and then we'll try and transfer Quinn to a school for dyslexia." Ashley said before kissing my cheek.
"Okay." I nodded. We laid down and of course, started spooning. Ashley held on to my waist then kissed my head.
"Goodnight Andy, I love you." He said softly.
"Night Ashy, I love you too." I mumbled then fell asleep.

(A/N: I hope you guys like this so far. I know it's a bit boring right now, but it'll get better, I promise c:)

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