Chapter Five- Andley

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Quinn's POV

It was already 11:00 at night, everyone was asleep except for me and Jasper.
"Quinn, I'm getting sleepy." Jasper groaned.
"Nooo don't fall asleep Jasper." I pouted. He laid out on the couch and closed his eyes.
"I'm just resting my eyes for a bit." He mumbled.
"Bull shit, you're gonna pass out." I said but he was already snoring. I sighed and turned my attention to the drivers seat where Justin was. He was still driving, he didn't even seem to be tired. He started to cough a bit so I got up and went to the kitchen area. I took out a bottle of water from the fridge and walked back to the front, passed the curtains and beside him.
"Hey." I said softly.
"Hey." Justin replied as he glanced up at me and smiled. I felt butterflies all around inside my tummy.
"I just thought you might need this." I said shyly as I held out the water bottle. He grabbed it with one hand.
"Thanks.. Uh Quinn is it?" He asked.
"Yea." I nodded. Justin smiled and opened the bottle then took a sip.
"Aren't you tired?" I asked.
"Nah. Well maybe just a little." He chuckled. I smiled and stared out the the windshield, looking at the road that seemed never ending.
"Do you ever sleep on tour? It seems like you always be driving around." I wondered.
"Eh sometimes. I'm actually about to park soon." Justin replied.
"Oh." I said. An awkward silence crossed over us as I just stood there.
"So, Quinn," Justin began, "Tell me a bit about yourself."
"Well," I began, "I'm 16 years old, I'm turning 17 next month. I'm in love with Batman, he's awesome. I'm uh gay. I like to draw. I can't live with out music and I like to sing sometimes."
"Awesome." Justin grinned.
"Now what about you? Tell me a bit about yourself." I smiled slightly.
"Okay," Justin nodded, "I'm 24 years old. I love candy, mainly Jolly Ranchers. Hmm I play guitar, I love drawing too as well as painting. Oh and I'm bisexual, I guess that's really it."
"You, my friend, are awesome." I smiled.
"Thanks Quinn, you're pretty awesome too." Justin replied, glancing up at me with a small smile on his face. I stood there with him for a little while longer, talking about random things. Then I yawned which caught Justin's attention.
"Why don't you get some sleep Quinn? It's already midnight." Justin suggested.
"But you'll be lonely and stuff." I said, trying to make up an excuse to say a bit longer.
"I'll be fine, Quinn." He assured me.
"Alright," I sighed, "Goodnight Justin."
"Goodnight Quinn." Justin said and smiled up at me. I went toward the back of the bus to the room which was all the way in the back. There was one huge bed and a couch in there. This was the room I was supposed to be sharing with my brothers. Casper was already asleep in the bed. I crawled in bed and put the blanket over me before slowly drifting off to sleep.

I woke up a few hours later, the sun was shining in my eyes. The bed was empty, it looked like Casper was already awake. I stood up and walked to the small bathroom where I brushed my teeth and washed my face. Just before I walked out the bathroom, I realized the bus wasn't moving. I walked to the front of the bus where everyone was talking or eating breakfast.
"Morning Quinny." Dad smiled.
"Morning dad." I said, waving slightly. I walked over to the couch and sat on Jasper's lap.
"Oh hi there." Jasper laughed.
"Hi there!" I smiled. Someone walked past me and ruffled my hair.
"Hey!" I pouted and looked up. I saw Justin standing above me and smirking. I rolled my eyes and grinned. On the inside, I felt like screaming with happiness though.
"We've got a show later." I heard mom tell dad.
"What time?" Dad asked.
"Like 6:00 or something like that." Mom answered.


"And he left, just like that?" Cassidy asked. I nodded. We were video chatting eachother on our laptops.
"I don't know why though.. I think maybe he was gonna say that he loves.. Me.." I said, still not believing it for myself.
"Maybe," She shrugged, "Do you like Matt?"
"I don't know." I sighed.
"Well just let things unfold for themselves, I'm sure everything will work out Quinn." She told me.
"I guess." I said, running my fingers through my messy hair.
"I've gotta go, see ya later alligator." Cassidy smiled.
"After- ugh you know the rest." I laughed. We ended the chat and I closed my laptop. I heard a knock at the door and I looked up.
"Come in." I said. The door opened and I saw Justin standing there.
"Your parents told me to tell you to get ready cause they have to be at the venue in a half hour." He explained.
"Alright, thanks." I nodded. I got up and grabbed a black shirt then slid off the Batman shirt I was already wearing. I looked over at the doorway and saw Justin still standing there, staring at me and biting his lip. I blushed a deep shade of red knowing that it looked like he enjoyed staring at me shirtless.
"Oh uh I'm sorry." Justin blushed before leaving and closing the door behind him. I finished getting dressed then walked out. I walked to the front and saw Justin sitting on the couch. He looked at me then blushed lightly and looked away. I smirked then sat next to him.
"Is everyone ready to go?" Uncle CC asked.
"Yea!" Everyone replied, including myself.

We all walked to the venue, there were body guards surrounding us as we walked. There were a bunch of fans lined up in front of the doors that were still yet to open. When the fans saw the members of BVB they screamed and cheered. My parents and uncles waved at them as we all went through a door that led backstage.

I was sitting on a couch with Casper, I didn't know where Jasper was. Justin was lifting done equipment in front of us. He bent down I stared at his butt.
"I see that." Casper laughed.
"See what?" I asked, quickly turning my attention to something else.
"You're checking him out." Casper smirked.
"No I'm not.. Shut up!" I huffed and crossed my arms.
"Sure you aren't." Casper said, rolling his eyes.

Suddenly, there we're the screams and chants of fans. They were chanting, "BLACK VEIL BRIDES".
"We'll be back in an hour or so." Mom told us. Casper and I nodded.
"Where's Jasper?" Dad asked.
"Who knows." Casper shrugged. After about 10 minuets, My parents and uncles ran on stage and the crowd erupted in louder cheers.
"I'll be right back, I'm gonna go smoke a cigarette." Justin said before walking off.
"Oh and he smokes. I bet you find that attractive." Casper teased. I rolled my eyes then I heard the intro of Love Isn't Always Fair filling the room.
"Why don't you just go talk to him?" Casper wondered.
"Maybe he just want to be alone." I said.
"You'll never knows unless you go out there." He shrugged. I thought about it, my brother was probably right.
"I guess." I sighed.
"Good. Now go get him tiger." Casper encouraged. I stood up and walked over to the door that I saw Justin leave through. I looked over at Casper who was giving me two thumbs up. I turned back to the door and placed my hand on the door knob. I twisted it and opened the door. I saw Justin standing there taking a long drag of his cigarette.
"Oh hey Quinn." He said before blowing out all the smoke.

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