Chapter Eleven- Andley

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Chapter 11

Quinn's POV

Remember when I got all those text messages by those bullies the other day? Well, it had been about 2 weeks since then and I was still wondering how they had gotten my number so I finally decided to call Cassidy and Matt.

I grabbed my phone from the bed and sat down. I dialed Matt's number first.
"Hello?" I heard Matt answer.
"Hey Matty." I said with a smile on my face.
"Hey Quinn, what's up?"
"Well I need to talk to you about something important."
"What's wrong Quinn?"
"Did you give out my phone number?"
"No, of course not. Why?"
"Well a bunch of people from school were texting my phone and threatened me and told me to kill and cut myself."
"Quinn, I swear I didn't do anything. I'm so sorry those jerks did that to you."
"It's okay I guess.. It only caused a few cuts, nothing too serious."
"You shouldn't've cut at all.. I wish I could be there for you right now."
"I know, I wish you could be here too.." I sighed and in that moment, I wasn't thinking about Justin at all, my mind was all over Matt and how much I missed everything about him.
"Quinn, my mom is calling me for dinner, I'll call you later."
"Alright bye Matty."

With that we hung up. If it wasn't Matt who did that then that only left Cassidy.. I was so desperately wishing that Cassidy hadn't gave out my number to those people. I dialed her number and waited for her to pick up.
"Hello?" Cassidy answered.
"Hey Cassidy..I gotta ask you something."
"What is it?"
"Did you give out my phone number?"
"Oh right.. Listen, before you go all crazy on me, there was this really cute guy that was gonna ask me out. He said if I gave him your phone number that we could go out.. So I gave him your number and now we're dating.."
"You fucking bitch! Do you know what they even did with my phone number?! They sent me texts to kill myself! They text me about how worthless I was!"
"I'm so sorry- I wasn't thinking straight!"
I hung up the phone because I didn't want to hear anymore of what she had to say. I threw my phone against the wall out of anger and started sobbing. I couldn't believe Cassidy betrayed me like that. I buried my face in a pillow and cried until I heard the door open.

Andy's POV

I was sitting on one of the couches in the bus, watching some cartoon with CC, Casper and Jasper. We had the day off so Ashley, Jake and Jinxx went out shopping or something like that. As for Justin, he went to the store to buy cigarettes for the rest of us. I ran my fingers through Jasper's hair since he was laying with his head in my lap.
"Mom, can I go hang out later?" Jasper asked looking up at me.
"With who?" I asked.
"Just some of my friends." He answered.
"Well I don't know these friends so no." I replied.
"But mom, I'm gonna be safe and we're just gonna go to this party-"
"You're only 14, you don't need to party." I said sternly. I don't care how over protective I'm being, I'm not letting my baby go out to some party with kids I don't even know.
"Alright." Jasper sighed. I leaned down and kissed his head.
"I just don't want anything happening to my baby." I told him.
"Mom, I'm not a baby anymore." He huffed.
"Yes you are. Even when you're 75 years old, you and Casper will always be my babies as well as Quinn." I said before pinching his cheeks jokingly. Jasper just laughed and rolled his eyes.

Then I suddenly heard a crash in the back room followed by sobbing. Jasper sat up and Casper, CC and I looked at each other. I stood up and walked to the back and opened the door. Quinn was laying down, crying and sobbing with his face hid in a pillow. I felt my heart sink at the sight of my baby boy crying his eyes out. I sat beside him and put my hand on his back, rubbing gentle circles.
"Quinn, baby, what happened?" I asked softly.
"Mom," Quinn began as he looked up at me, "she betrayed me.. It's all her fault."
"Who betrayed you, sweetie?" I questioned.
"Fucking Cassidy! She gave out my phone number! Everyone sent me text messages telling me to just kill myself, mom!" Quinn exclaimed as tears poured out of his eyes. I didn't say anything, I just held him in my arms. He sat up and cried in my chest, all I could do was hold him. I saw him scratching at his wrists and I lifted up the sleeves of his hoodie. I gasped when I saw the word "useless" carved in to his arm.
"This is how they make me feel.. They make me feel worthless. I did this because of them." Quinn sobbed. I felt tears coming to my eyes because this reminded me of when I was a teenager. It reminded me of when I used to get bullied by Ashley and his friends to the point where I wanted to die and never have to deal with it. It just reminded me of all the nights spent in my room with the blade in my hand, all the nights crying myself to sleep, all the nights spent wishing I were dead. There was not one day that went by where I didn't think about my life as a teenager. I always thought about the bullying and the damage that had been done to my life. Sometimes, I cried when I thought about it. Sometimes, I'd even have nightmares about the bullying, the nightmares made me feel like I was living it all over again. Those horrible, God forsaken memories still stuck with me even though I was a grown man. I even still got depressed every once in a while, my depression had stuck with me.

Before I knew it, I started crying myself as I thought about all of this and as I reflected on my teenage years. Quinn and I held each other as we sobbed. We sobbed and cried together for some time. We talked about everything and how we were bullied. I told him things I've never told anyone else in my entire life, not even Ashley. He told me everything those kids did to him and it made me angry just hearing about it. After we talked and cried, I put my hands on both sides of his face and told him, "Quinn, baby, I just want you to know that you're so beautiful. Those people.. Those bullies.. They just don't understand how amazing you are. Trust me, I know exactly what you're going through, I remember going through it myself. I never wanted you to have to go through all of the bullying this bad. But trust me, everything gets so much better Quinn, one day, you'll look back at the bullying and just think about how it's made you stronger. You'll look back at this and realize how wrong they were because you are worth so much more than the scars on your skin. It took me years to realize that myself. You're so much stronger than this, baby boy. I know Cassidy fucked up big time, she was just never meant to be your friend then. I love you so much Quinn, more than words will ever explain because you and your brothers are my everything. Don't ever forget that you're perfect just as you are, baby boy. You're not alone."

By then, fresh tears were falling from both of our eyes and all he did was nod. He hugged me tight and I wrapped my arms around him.
"I love you mommy." He sniffled. He hadn't called me mommy in years, it brought a bright smile to my face.
"I love you too, baby boy, so much." I whispered.

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