Chapter Sixteen- Andley

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Quinn's POV.

2 weeks had passed since I first starting feeling sick and what not. I didn't want my parents knowing I was sick because I didn't want them to make a big deal out of it. Jasper and Casper have been practically taking care of me.

I was in bed, eating soup that Jasper made me. It was pretty good but I thought it needed something else. Something like mustard. I had an obsession with mustard, I put it on almost all my food. I finished the soup and placed the bowl on the little night stand beside the bed. The bus wasn't moving, we were parked for the night.

"Hey there dude." Jasper said as he entered the room. I didn't responded because I started gagging. I got up and ran in to the bathroom. I barely made it to the toilet before I started throwing up. Jasper came running in after me and rubbed my back gently as I threw up. After about a minuet or so, I stopped.
"Quinn I think you seriously need to go to a doctor." Jasper said. I shook my head before getting up to brush my teeth.
"You're obviously really sick, you've been throwing up like the exorcist for 2 weeks straight." He argued. I shook my head again, refusing to go. I rinsed out the toothpaste from my mouth before putting my toothbrush back.
"Fine then I guess I have no choice but to tell mom and dad." Jasper said.
"No!" I exclaimed.
"They have to know, you're really sick and you need to get to a doctor." Jasper said before crossing his arms over his chest.
"Fine I'll go to the stupid doctor, just don't tell them please." I begged.
"Who's gonna take you to the doctor? You're not 18." Jasper reminded me.
"I'll uh get Uncle CC to take me." I said. Uncle CC was pretty cool and wouldn't tell my parents. I trusted him with everything, we were actually pretty close. Jasper just nodded before heading out the bathroom. I walked to the front of the bus where I saw my parents and uncles engrossed into some vampire movie.
"Hey Quinny." Dad said once he saw me walk in.
"Hey dad, hey mom," I waved slightly, "Uncle CC I need to talk to you."
He looked confused for a second but nodded and stood up. We walked in to the bunk area together.
"I need you to do me a favor but you can't tell my parents cause I don't wanna make this in to a big deal." I explained.
"Okay, what is it?" Uncle CC asked.
"I need you to take me to the doctor. I'm sick, like I can't stop throwing up, I've got bad stomach aches, I get dizzy a lot." I said, rambling on about how sick I was.
"Okay. You sound like you've just got the flu or.." He began, trailing off at the end.
"Or what?" I questioned.
"Or you sound.. Pregnant.." He said honestly.
"Pregnant, that's impossible." I chuckled.
"Well if it was impossible, you wouldn't be here now would you?" He said as-matter-of-fact-ly.
"But I- No. I'm not pregnant, it's just the flu." I said, trying to shake that thought off. Uncle CC shrugged.
"Well, I guess I could take you to the doctor. When do you want to go?" He asked.
"Later tonight I guess." I shrugged.
"How about we just go right now?" He suggested.
"But then my parents will wonder where we're going." I protested.
"I'll tell them we're going to the store." Uncle CC said.
"For hours?" I,questioned.
"They'll be asleep by the time we get back." He said. I just nodded.
"I'll go get ready." I said.

I walked to the back room and changed out of my pajamas and in to a blue sweater and black skinny jeans. I slipped in my all black converse before walking back to the front.
"We're going to the store." Uncle CC announced before grabbing my hand.
"For what?" Uncle Jinxx asked.
"I need cigarettes. Plus, we need some uh popcorn." Uncle CC lied. I just nodded along with it.
"Fine. Bring me a pack of cigarettes too. And don't be back too late." Mom said. Uncle CC nodded and led me off the bus.

We walked silently to a local hospital which was only like a mile away from where the bus was parked. We stepped inside and walked up to the front desk.
"Hello sir, how can I help you?" The lady at the desk asked.
"My nephew is really sick, like throwing up a lot, bad stomach aches and dizziness." Uncle CC explained to her. She nodded.
"Well what's your name?" She asked me.
"Quinn Purdy." I told her. She typed up something in her computer quickly.
"Okay, I'll call you up when a doctor is ready to see you." She said. Uncle CC and I nodded and took a seat in the waiting room.

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