Chapter 6

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Caroline didn't know how to address her mother or behave around her anymore, neither did Elizabeth "Liz" know how to behave around her vampire daughter, one of the monsters she has been trying to get rid of to keep Mystic Falls' human residents safe. Killing Jeremy wasn't her intention, Damon was her target but that bastard escaped.

"I don't want to be afraid of you, mom and I don't want you to be afraid of me. I'm still the same girl I was before." Said Caroline, interrupting her human mother's thoughts and trying to reach a middle ground with her.

They were currently in the kitchen at their home on opposite sides of the table and quite tense.

"Do you know how many people have died since your kind arrived in Mystic Falls? Do you know how many of those were killed by vampires and how many more went missing and haven't been found because of vampires?" Inquired the sheriff, looking at what used to be her daughter with accusing eyes that were justified when she saw Caroline look down, a little ashamed.

"Judging by your reaction, you do know and you've added your body count. Not only have you taken over my daughter's body, but you've also used it to commit your heinous acts against humanity and expect me to believe that you're her!" Stated an angry Liz, hand not far from her gun with vervain bullets.

Those words hit the young vampire hard, very hard. Her mother truly saw a monster in her place instead of her and that hurt, so much so that tears involuntarily fell down her cheeks.

The human's resolve to kill the monster before she weakened a little as she got a very human reaction from Caroline, reminding her of a younger Caroline distraught and guilt-ridden over Caroline's father leaving them and thinking it was her fault.

"I am your daughter!" Screamed a distraught vampire. "Maybe I'm a monster, maybe I deserve to die for what I am and what I've done but I didn't choose to become what I am!

I-I didn't. I didn't choose to become a vampire so that I could remember all the things Damon did to me and made me do and forget! I didn't choose to become a vampire so that my life could depend on blood and I didn't mean to be a disappointment of a daughter to you but I'm still me..."

While Caroline continued, Liz didn't hear any more of her daughter's cries after her comment about Damon Salvatore. Her maternal side kicked in full force and pushed aside everything else. The monster before her disappeared to be replaced by her only child and daughter, the most important person in her life and the reason she worked so hard.

All that was going through the Forbes matriarch was all the horrible things that could and probably have happened to Caroline without her knowing.

Ever since Liz found out about Damon's vampire status she has been questioning everything about him, especially how he fooled everyone including her and got himself in a place of power he shouldn't have been able to acquire.

That just showed how little they all knew about vampires but that thought was for later, right now Liz the Mother was in the driving seat and she went to do what her maternal instincts told her to do.

"... I just want..." Caroline stopped short when she felt arms enclose around her and pull her into a warm embrace that she at first struggled against but ultimately gave in.

It was hard to fight against something you desired, especially when it came from someone whose opinion meant a lot to you and you cared about.

So the girl gave in and broke down and cried in her mother's warm embrace after which she finally got a chance to say all that she kept bottled inside and with Liz's encouragement took it with both hands.
"How was today's training?" Asked Liam, laying on his bed while talking with his girlfriend on the phone.

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