Chapter 32

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The Bayou

Silence reigned after Scott called Oliver out but everyone's eyes were on him and they weren't welcoming, especially Mary's. Oliver wished for the ground to open so that he could disappear but he was no skinwalker.

He stepped forward as instructed until he reached the middle and stood there, facing the ground submissively.

"You're no longer Jackson's right-hand man and you're no longer welcome to this meeting." Scott declared. "You will be a harbinger of what's to come to those who disobeyed me as the first Omega of New Beacon Pack and you will not get the chance to work your way up the hierarchy for at least two years."

With that said he walked towards and stood in front of Oliver, right before he buried his right hand claws into Oliver's abdomen, drawing a cry out of him which caused Jackson to look away but not before he and everyone in view saw Scott's eyes glow a bright red, brighter than usual.

"Wha... What ar... Are you doing to me?" Oliver asked, feeling something being drained out of him from his wounds, it was like his life was bring drawn out of him.

"I'm keeping my word." Scott replied, without much emotion to his voice, and though most wondered what he was doing exactly they didn't ask.

Those in the line of sight of Oliver's eyes saw his eyes glow yellow but a second later the glow started to become dim and with each passing moment the glow became dimmer until Oliver's human eyes replaced his wolf eyes.

Malia wondered if Scott intended to kill Oliver because she knew exactly what he was doing and without Belasko's talons death was guaranteed for Oliver.

Unknown to her, however, and everyone else, except Belasko, Scott hadn't just drained Oliver's power; he had it virtually stored into his claws just like memories were although a part of the power added to his own.

He was able to achieve this feat after modifying the spell he used on Greta and Stefan, combining it with his ability to siphon pain although he specifically targeted supernatural energy, magic and power.

When Scott was done, he retracted his claws and steadied Oliver who felt weak, far weaker than he has ever felt.

"Malia is not just a member of this pack; she's an alpha and the only alpha beside me in this pack." Scott said, loud enough for those without super hearing to hear. "If anything happens to me, she will become the Leader of New Beacon Pack and Co-leader of New Orleans.

She will not be disrespected, and neither will any member of New Beacon Pack. I don't care who you are and I don't care about your experience or power, what I do care about is this pack and everyone in it.

What will uniting and returning werewolves to New Orleans be worth if we self-destruct because of internal conflicts caused by self-destructive and power-hungry individuals who care more about themselves than the pack? Nothing!

From this moment on, there are six ranks in New Beacon Pack; True Alpha, Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omega. I hold True Alpha rank, Leader of New Beacon Pack, and Malia Alpha rank, Second-in-command and default Leader of New Beacon Pack should I die.

All of you, eight former alphas, hold Beta rank and will lead your respective original packs on my behalf along with Malia leading my original pack and you will answer to me. Beta rank is limited to eight at a time.

The man you see on video call to my left is my primary emissary Alan Deaton, my advisor, and on my right is my right-hand man Jordan Parrish. One of each people that are on your sides will hold these roles for you. You decide which. They hold Gamma rank and are limited to twenty people at a time.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now