Chapter 14

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After the night call from Mystic Falls by Bonnie Scott looked at the USB flash drive Malia gave to him and he couldn't believe what was on it. There were a lot of files containing assassination contracts, all by Corrine, that were already complete and one that became void when the Desert Wolf died.

It looked like she accepted a job before she came to Beacon Hills that she was going to complete after killing Malia but since the True Alpha killed her the contractor cancelled the assassination.

The assassination contract was on a man by the name Lucien Castle, the founder, owner and CEO of Kingmaker Land Development who happened to also be an ancient vampire rumoured to be more than one thousand years old.

The unknown contractor gave the warning that if the Desert Wolf was captured she would likely be experimented on as Kingmaker Land Development was a front company for Lucien Castle's real activities which included hunting down supernatural people and experimenting on them.

When McCall read that part he immediately thought about the Dread Doctors, their experiments and their ultimate goal, resurrecting the Beast of Gevaudan. He looked at his open palm, protracted a claw from the other hand and sliced a line across the palm, wounding himself.

A moment later black smoke escaped from the wound, closing it while the leftover blood turned to black smoke and disappeared, leaving his palm clean and fully healed. Scott discovered this ability during training with the Pack and what's more that if he doesn't will his blood to stay as blood it turned into black smoke and disappeared.

An ability he took from the Beast of Gevaudan. The boy was just grateful he didn't transform into the Beast.

The reason the blood he donated at Beacon Hills Memorial Hospital stayed as it was was that he was thinking of blood at the time, being near the hospital's blood bank and thinking about how he preferred supernatural blood was a blessing in disguise.

Questions would have been asked if the nurse that conducted the blood donation saw his blood turn to black smoke and disappear.

Now there was another ancient entity who was experimenting on supernatural species and probably humans as well with an unknown goal, definitely nothing good if the Dread Doctors' example was anything to go by.

But as much as Scott wanted to stop Lucien Castle and his experiments he had high school to finish and so did his pack and Jordan had a job to keep.

He couldn't just tell them to put their lives on hold so that they could stop an ancient vampire, and who knows how many people working for him, who was experimenting on supernaturals but he also couldn't let someone whose ego was so big that he named his company Kingmaker, as if that wasn't a clue to the kind of person he was, to experiment on unwilling people either.

Moments like these made the True Alpha question the sanity of people who wanted to be alphas. Decision making was one of the heaviest parts of being alpha of a pack and came with heavier responsibilities.

Scott was sure that Alpha Satomi Ito didn't decide to place the lives of her pack in his and his pack's hands very lightly during the Dead Pool problem, but at least she'd heard about him and his pack.

He hadn't heard anything about Lucien Castle and his Kingmaker Land Development until today, and the contract only told him that the target was Lucien Castle, an ancient vampire who had a front company covering his hunting of supernaturals and experimenting on them. Nothing more nothing less.

The Tribrid recalled questioning the wisdom of storming Beacon Hills First National Bank's vault to save Boyd and whom Derek thought was Erica but turned out to be his younger sister Cora without knowing all the details.

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