Chapter 12

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Two days went by and Stefan still didn't have a clue as to who cut off his access to his powers and neither did Greta.

He found his would-be victims on Wednesday but they didn't have any knowledge of what happened even after Caroline compelled them, solidifying the idea that a vampire and a witch were involved with the attack that left the last Salvatore more vulnerable than he has been in a long time.

But though he didn't have access to his powers he was left with his bloodthirst intact and no fangs meant drinking from a glass.

That wasn't a problem but since that was the case Klaus instructed Stefan to drink at least five litres of blood each day in front of Greta who blamed the vampire for her magic loss. The Original Hybrid planned to increase and decrease the amount irregularly to get his ripper ready.

While Greta and Bonnie searched for a way to reverse the power cuts Elena suffered two burnings caused by the necklace that seemed to always react whenever she was close to Scott McCall, making her finally decide it and thinking about her brother's funeral; Caroline, Sheriff Forbes, Alaric and Stefan were helping with the last one.

While they were busy with that Tyler began a friendship with Scott and Liam and the latter was helping him manage the short temper that came with being a werewolf.

While Dunbar was younger he understood that Lockwood didn't want his mother to find out about his werewolf status just as he didn't want his to so the True Alpha let them bond over that and form a friendship.

Scott knew what it was like to be a new werewolf, more so with friends that didn't understand him, that was one of the main reasons he accepted Theo in the Pack in the first place, so he didn't disapprove of his beta's friendship with the local werewolf or said werewolf getting close to them.

But there was another reason. Raven1 found the woman that the McCall saw on his first day in Mystic Falls and identified her as Mayor Carol Lockwood and Tyler Lockwood's mother on Tuesday while scouting the town.

The True Alpha had Raven1 watch Natalie Martin's... Um... Twin?

Whatever she was to Lydia's mother, a doppelganger or a long lost twin sister, Scott just wanted to build a bridge to her in case Lydia or her mother wanted to meet with the Lockwood mother and son duo.

Talking about doppelgangers, the Alpha of the McCall Pack was beginning to think Elena Gilbert's vampire lookalike never existed and that she was an odd vision.

And talking about vampires, Scott got the vervain he had Malia ask Dr Deaton to send to him later on Tuesday and immediately made sure the Beacon Hills team, including Coach Finstock and the two bus drivers that alternated in driving, had some in their blood system since then.

He observed Matt's friendship with Tyler and couldn't help but compare it with his own with his late best and longest friend Stiles, and Belasko chose not to comment.

He thought Scott wasn't ready to hear what he had to say... Yet. And the whole thing with the boy's biological father being in the same town as him was affecting him even though he didn't show it.

The supernatural raven knew there had to be a part of the True Alpha that wanted to meet Klaus but another didn't want that at all, not when all that he has heard about him could be confirmed. Scott now understood how Malia felt about her biological parents, at least to some extent.

Apart from that Sheriff Forbes was also looking for the vampire and witch who took away Greta and Stefan's powers after Caroline told her about them. But more importantly, she wanted to meet the witch that was able to do that.

Yes, Damon Salvatore was dead but there were still vampires that were like him and the woman wanted to secure Mystic Falls from them, and once she was told was worse than Damon was in town.

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