Chapter 52

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Portland Airport

"When are we meeting Enzo?" Lillian asked, that being her first question while they waited for a taxi, just a few minutes after arriving in Portland, Joshua was invisible to other people except the group around Lucas' shoulders.

Instead of answering, Olivia took out her phone and called Lorenzo.

"Where are you?" She asked in greeting.

"Where you told me to be, love," Lorenzo replied, and then asked. "Where are you?"

"If you're where I told you to be, then you should see me standing straight across from you," Olivia said.

"All I see across from me is a group of... Of..." Lorenzo trailed off.

"Of Gemini and Heretics?" Olivia asked.

"Enzo?" Lillian whispered, heart, beating fast, faster than it has in a long time, seeing Lorenzo across from them.

Within a few blinks of the eye, Lorenzo super ran from across to right before Lillian, heart beating just as fast.

"Lily?" He returned the whisper, and looked at the rest of the Heretics, more than a little emotional. "Beau. Mary. Nora. Oscar. Valerie."

"You didn't give up on us," Valerie said, emotions coming to the surface.

"We're family, and family doesn't give up on family, sweetheart," Lorenzo responded.

"Speaking of family, we have to see ours," Olivia replied. "We'll keep in touch."

"Thank you." Lillian voiced her gratitude.

"You're welcome," Lucas said as he and Olivia began to leave. "See you around."

With that, the Parkers left, heading for a taxi to take them home, Lorenzo's response to Valerie echoing in their minds although they didn't say it.

"How...?" Lorenzo began to ask but was cut off by a tight embrace from Lillian that he quickly reciprocated.

"We will tell you later." She said, and so began a tearful but happy reunion.
Parker House

"Where have you been?"

That was the welcome Lucas and Olivia arrived at home, a question coming from their mother who seemed to have aged in their absence and they both bowed their heads in shame for having worried her.

"We went to find a way to avoid the Merge, mom," Lucas answered.

"In a prison world?" Mrs Parker questioned.

"How...?" Olivia asked.

"I am one of the oldest and most powerful witches of Gemini and you're my flesh and blood. Where is your father?"

Lucas promptly removed the invisibility spell on Joshua and he appeared on his shoulders and then put him on a chair.

"He has some explaining to do." Mrs Parker said. "And so do you."

"Er, only Luke and I have some explaining to do, mom," Olivia responded nervously as Mrs Parker approached Joshua to check on him and then wake him.

"You're all going to explain yourselves." Mrs Parker replied, checking on Joshua.

"Aside from being hungry, he is alright. We just knocked him out with a sleeping spell." Lucas informed, and proceeded to lift the sleeping spell and Joshua woke up immediately, although groggy and hungry.

"Ah, what happened?" Joshua spoke his first words in days, waking up for the first time in as many days.

"You tell me." Mrs Parker said.

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