Chapter 63

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Donovan House

"Did you all meet here or are you one big group?" Kelly asked after the introductions.

Behind her, Alexis-B entered the room with her bags and signaled that everything seemed alright, but would keep an eye out.

"A little of both," Malia answered, and she was kind of telling the truth, since Alexis-B and the MPGs arrived last.

"Where do I take the bags?" Alexis-B inquired.

"Our room," Sky responded, knowing that their (SPGs') room was the furthest to Cora, Lydia, Malia, Rebekah and Scott's.

"You want me to share a room with you boys," Kelly asked, and she tried really hard not to flirt even though she was pretty sure Sky was into the same sex she was into.

"The rooms are all co-ed," Ayanda replied. "Ours is the only one with four occupants."

"Either - oh," Kelly remembered that Alexis-B mentioned an 'Alexis' who she guessed was Alexis-B's twin.

"Follow me," Alexis-B instructed, and then led the way to the SPGs' room for the night.

"What now?" Luna asked in a low voice once Kelly was out of hearing range.

"We sleep light and with one eye open and ready to leave at any time," Malia answered with an equally low voice. "But until then, let's finish our food and act normal while I think of a fitting revenge against Scott. Do you hear that, Scott? You are going to pay for doing this to me."

The others exchanged looks at that.

"If I were him, I would remain invisible too," Juan commented.

"He better show his face before we sleep, or else..."

They pitied Scott.
"Here we are," Alexis-B said as they entered SPGs' room.

"It's hard to believe that I'm squatting in my own house," Kelly responded looking around. "With thirteen - fourteen strangers, no less."

"Strangers you don't seem to have a problem spending the night with," Alexis-B commented.

"Something about that girl, Malia, tells me that I don't have to worry about anything. She seems like the leader around here and isn't the kind to beat around the bush. If I had something to worry about, I would have sensed it from her."

Alexis-B had to agree there, Malia wasn't the kind to beat around the bush.

"Then you should know that as the leader, she doesn't have a problem making the hard decisions," He replied. "So, if you try anything..."

"You don't have to worry about me, honey," Kelly assured. "You may be the only chance I have to find my son because I doubt he's still in this awful town."

"He's not," Alexis-B confirmed, surprising Kelly a little. "You're right about me being the only chance you have of finding your son. As we speak, I have people looking for him.

We've just had an awful night, if you don't make it worse or take advantage of our hospitality, I'll find your son for you and give you his location before we leave.

If you do take our hospitality for granted, I'll help him stay away from you, and trust me, I can do that."

"I believe you," Kelly said, and she did. "I can tell when people are being fake and genuine. Thank you for being straight forward with me. Just direct me between the girls, and I'll be fine and not cause any problems."

"Do you have a problem with boys?" Alexis-B asked because he noticed that Kelly consciously avoided looking at them.

"I'm sure that you overhead me saying that I'm a sex addict, this house has thin walls," Kelly responded. "Let's just say that's an understatement. I haven't had sex in three long days, and your friends are very attractive young men.

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