Chapter 46

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Mystic Falls

"Welcome to Mystic Falls." Lydia read the road sign as Scott drove past it, having left the others and Raven2, except SPGs who were following behind Scott's car, at a boarding house just outside Mystic Falls, something Malia was not happy about. "This might be a bad idea."

"We can turn around if you want." Scott said.

"Are you saying that because your father is somewhere in town or for my sake?"

"For your sake." Scott replied, and received a look. "Alright. Both. Not everyone has an infamous over a thousand-year-old vampire-werewolf hybrid for a father."

"True." Lydia responded, and considered turning around and not going through with the reason they came to Mystic Falls. "We are already here, we can't turn back now. I just hope my mom isn't going to overreact when she finds out."

"Whatever happens, you're not alone."

"I know." Lydia said, and she did.

It didn't take long before they arrived at an apartment building in the Town Square and booked three apartments on the same level and paired up; Ayanda with Sky, Charl'z with Hinata and Lydia with Scott.
Mystic Grill

"You know, it still feels weird not seeing Matt around here." Tyler said, in between bites of his meal.

"I know, right?" Caroline concurred, eating as well.

Although she didn't need to eat the food her friends ate, there was normalcy in doing so and she was all in for normalcy.

"Hey." Stefan greeted, announcing his arrival at their table, a little breathless. "Sorry for being late."

"Were you being chased or something?" Caroline asked.

"Or something. I jogged from my car. I never realized how a simple thing like jogging could be so refreshing."

"Welcome back to Ordinary-ville." Bonnie responded, nursing a glass of juice.

"Now that you (Stefan) are here, why did you want us to meet for brunch, Bonnie?" Caroline inquired.

"Have you heard from Klaus?" Bonnie asked Stefan in response, and he said no. "OK. Um, we (everyone) didn't meet up yesterday, so I asked you to come here because I have something to tell you.

Klaus granted you (Stefan) freedom from your servitude to him and he promised not to bother us or cause problems and that goes for his family and pack as long as we don't provoke them."

"He did what?" Tyler asked, surprised.

"Why would he do that?" Caroline followed, equally surprised.

"What did you do, Bonnie?" Stefan questioned, knowing the only reason Klaus would do that was if he got something in return.

"I didn't do anything. Klaus made a deal with my dad two days ago and he voluntarily freed you from your agreement." Bonnie answered.

"Your dad is in town?" Tyler asked.


"And he made a deal with Klaus?" Caroline inquired, Bonnie having told her about his return but not anything about deals.


"What kind of deal?" Stefan closed with a question of his own, worried.

"The kind of deal that ensures Klaus, his family and pack leaves us alone and doesn't cause trouble in Mystic Falls." Bonnie said, but she didn't want to reveal what happened to maintain her house's magic security system and not give the other something to rub in Klaus face. "As long as we don't provoke them."

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