Chapter 7

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A new day a new beginning, an energetic and light Caroline Forbes arrived at school on Monday morning, ready to take on the day with a smile on her face.

She felt better than she has in a very long time and if the looks she was getting as she walked to her locker were anything to go by then she looked better too. Her talk with her mother turned out to be very good for her, for the both of them and their relationship.

The smile disappeared the moment the vampire saw the saddened look on Bonnie's face that the girl immediately painted upside down the second she caught the other girl's presence and happiness.

The two met halfway but before they could converse the whole hallway went silent, focusing on the group that just entered the building, led by two boys although the taller and older looking of the two was more in the lead while the shorter and younger was a step back and behind them was a small army of both girls and boys.

The vampire and witch were a bit confused since they didn't know who the students were but they couldn't deny they were quite a sight.

Tall, dark and handsome was what came to Bonnie's thoughts in the case of the older one wearing boots instead of sneakers like everyone else, and short, light and cute in the case of the younger one. But those were just innocent thoughts, they were innocent thoughts.

Having not thought about Matt much ever since her talk with her mother Caroline found herself entertaining the idea of getting one of the two boys, preferably the older one.

Liam fought hard to suppress a blush as he smelled all the chemo-signals that were flying wild from the students of Mystic Falls High School and heard the whispers begin.

It was starting over at a new school as the new kid but the kind of new kid that got the positive kind of attention from both females and males.

"Hi, could you show me where the admin office is?"

The boy heard his alpha greet and ask a random local student who happened to be a girl and was quite sure a charming smile was on display.

"Um, uh, s-sure. Right this..."

"McCall! Stop flirting with the local students and get over here! What kind of example are you setting for the team?! Get to the office now and flirt later!" Interrupted Coach Bobby Finstock, appearing around a corner across from the hallway.

There was silence once again after that.

"Alright, coach." Said Scott, breaking the silence after a moment.

"That's my boy!" That caused the Beacon Hills High School students to laugh at the interaction, it made them feel like they were back home.

They also knew that the chances of their former captain randomly flirting was almost nonexistent. The guy had girls and boys throwing themselves at him back home since Kira left but he politely turned them all down, though sometimes Malia did that for him but not so politely.

"Um, thanks." Said Scott, saying that to the local student he was talking to previously with his friendly smile back on.

She nodded in response and that was that, everything went back to normal.

"Oh, man. And I have to deal with a coach for the next two years." Moaned Liam as they walked to the admin office.

"He's not that bad and you can handle it." Replied the Tribrid, patting his beta on the shoulder.

"Why don't you take a gap year and stick around to see for yourself?" Was Dunbar's response.

"We talked about this already, Liam."

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