Chapter 22

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The Hybrid Pack arrived late into the night, past midnight, at home and each member was tired and wanted nothing but to sleep and that's exactly what they did, except Klaus, at least for a few more minutes.

He went to see his sister and found her fast asleep on the floor atop a blanket and a few pillows with Greta, and all around them were snacks and a half-empty bottle of wine with two wine glasses just as half empty but thankfully no wine was spilled.

The man took a moment to just take the scene in while at the door, more so how relaxed his younger half-sister was. It appeared Rebekah was genuinely trying to make a friend out of the Martin, a rare occurrence due to past betrayals and rejections.

Oh, the female Mikaelson loved too easily but the same couldn't be said about trust and while love might blind her she didn't react well when she starts seeing people's true colours. She could be quite mean when angered, betrayed and wronged, Tony, Klaus' fourth and late hybrid, was a perfect example of that.

But when friendship turned out to be genuine on both sides Rebekah was very protective, it was just a pity that when that rare genuine friendship occurred Elijah, Niklaus or Kol would kill her friend or ruin the friendship somehow, but she was no exception when it came to them either.

Their family was destructive at worst and dysfunctional at best, but only they could destroy each other, no one else. But there was no need for that right now, the Original Hybrid hoped Stefan Salvatore would choose wisely. Klaus quietly entered the bedroom and carefully put both Greta and Rebekah to bed, glad they were already in sleepwear.

Then he picked up the mess they left and headed for the kitchen where he proceeded to have a glass of their red wine in silence. He wasn't much of a red wine fan, he preferred white in wines but whiskey in alcohol overall, but he didn't mind a glass or two now and then.

Today was the day Klaus announced his return and he had a celebration planned, a party later at the mansion and a certain group of friends was going to attend even though they didn't know it yet nor would they find out who the host was until the big reveal.

Right now the man was too happy with how the pack hunt went and wanted to rest for a few hours, but after he finishes his glass of wine.
While Niklaus Mikaelson finally slept Vincent Griffith was still awake, having trouble sleeping. How could he when there was so much on his mind?

It was amazing what just one conversation could do. Vampire overpopulation. Balance. It sounded like there was more to Scott's group's goals than Vincent original thought.

It wasn't just a plain fight back against the Vampire Faction, it was about restoring the balance between the factions.

The witch was starting to realize that Lucien was the primary target for more than one reason, one of which was that he was the most powerful and oldest vampire in New Orleans and by taking him down the Vampire Faction would suffer a great loss.

With the Castle's death, the vampires would be left with only one leader, one that some, including Lucien's right-hand Gregory, wouldn't be too keen to follow and might even suspect of arranging to have his co-leader killed and result in infighting, giving the Werewolf Faction time to reestablish and reclaim their place in New Orleans and amongst the other factions.

On the other hand, Lucien's projects would grumble and though there would be losses the benefits outweighed them in the medium and long run.

The longer Vincent thought about it the more he began to see the bigger picture and he couldn't sit back and wait for change, not when he could help usher in the new era and make the transition a little bit smoother.

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