Chapter 30

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Once the processing part was over, all eyes turned to the members of the Witch Faction for an explanation. They were the magic experts, after all. But instead of receiving answers or at least clues Gregory and Andrew rushed at Scott, looking to avenge their leader since they witnessed the 'werewolf' kill him.

That was the last memory they recalled after regaining control of their bodies and they planned to make the boy pay.

It was an ill-fated move on their part because once their course became clear the True Alpha's Pack and ally reacted accordingly.

Malia protectively stood in front of Scott while Vincent extended both his arms in the two vampires' direction and twisted his hands when they were close, casting a non-verbal telekinetic spell that broke their ankles, one each, just to slow them down.

Gregory and Andrew cried out in pain, coming to a halt to nurse their injured ankles but that was another ill-fated move on their part because the five Guerrera wolves didn't miss the opportunity presented.

Francesca was the first to strike by latching on Gregory's injured ankle and when he turned his attention to her one of her brothers went for and attacked his throat with his canine teeth. He knew Gregory's life was already over but he still ripped out the vampire's throat.

Andrew on the other hand was attacked by the three remaining wolves. Each bit a limb, leaving the injured leg alone. The vampire cried out and tried to free himself but with Gregory already dead the other two wolves joined in and this time Francesca targeted the throat while her brother went for the injured limb.

The late Lucien Castle's guards both died within fifteen seconds, with the last one torn apart and the New Beacon Pack standing tall, with shocked eyes on them, and so were Marcel's fury eyes at having his most important rule broken right before his eyes once again.

It took all of Scott's will to hold himself back and not stop Francesca and her brothers, Malia knew because she did not only smell his internal conflict but felt it in his grip on her hand.

But he gave an indirect order for them to behave but defend themselves if and when provoked, an attack on an alpha of a pack, especially in front of the said pack, was not only provocation but also a declaration of war and everyone reacted accordingly.

This, however, troubled the True Alpha and he feared what it made him realize. The deeper he delved into the supernatural world the more complex things became and his morals and values muddied, mind-raping Corey a few months ago is an example.

Death wasn't something new to the McCall, not after the night he went to Beacon Hills Preserve with his late best friend and Peter bit him, but he was responsible for a lot of deaths tonight, both directly and indirectly. He was certain that he got more people killed tonight alone than he has in almost three years.

"A word of advice, make that meeting happen soon and advise your factions against provoking us," Marin advised the Faction, and she didn't have to elaborate on what would happen to those that do provoke them.

"You come to my city, kill my guys and expect me to just let it go?" Marcel questioned, standing up, eyes on Scott.

"Yes." The Tribrid replied, exchanging places with Malia. "As I told you earlier, I've met people like you before. Right now, they are either dead or not the same. Since Lucien is already dead, I hope you'll not be the same or I will kill you too along with everyone who sides with you.

This is your (addressing everyone in the room) chance to repair the relationship between the Vampire Faction, the Human Faction, the Witch Faction and the New Beacon Pack and restore balance to the supernatural community of New Orleans. Don't waste it."
"Have you heard anything from Scott?" A worried Melissa McCall asked Corey who just arrived with the last of the rescued people.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now