Chapter 34

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Gilbert House

"I need your help." Stefan said in greeting a second after closing the front door.

"Go away, Stefan." Alaric responded, seated on the couch with a half empty bottle of whiskey in hand.

"No. It's time for you to put the bottle down and get back into shape so that you can help me kill Rebekah and force Klaus and his pack to leave Mystic Falls."

"Why would I help you?" Alaric questioned with a sneer, and moved to stand up only to lose his balance because of his drunken state and decided against standing. "You and your brother ruin everything you touch! First, it was my wife, second, my girlfriend, and third, my stepdaughter.

Who is next? Me? Bonnie? Caroline? Tyler? Or maybe their parents or all of us on top of all the bodies and broken families you've left in your wake, directly and indirectly? It's a miracle we're still alive with you still around, but then again, you're barely a vampire now.

You've been brought down to the level of your prey and you can't compel me or anyone else to do your biding, so tell me, Stefan Salvatore. How does it feel to be the last one of your family left and to be powerless?

How does it feel to have what you hold dearest taken away from you and you can't do anything about it?"

Everything Alaric said hit home and hit home hard. Stefan was sure that those words would have broken him if he didn't have a plan in mind to secure the lives of all those people Alaric spoke about, but though they didn't break him they nearly did.

"It feels like my soul has been ripped out of my body and I am left hollow, lost." Stefan replied, stilling himself. "But I have a plan to kill the person who killed Elena and make Klaus and his pack leave Mystic Falls to avenge Elena's death and keep everyone you named safe."

"To avenge Elena's death? I wonder how many people are out to avenge the people you've killed."

"At least I'm doing something!" Stefan roared, unable to keep calm. "What about you, Ric? I might be powerless but at least I'm doing something. Do you think Jenna and Elena would have approved of the way you've been dealing with their deaths? Drinking yourself to an early death?

Here I am, giving you a reason to live for their sake and all you're doing is pushing me away! Liz has tried to help you pull yourself together but you've thrown the fact that she accidentally killed Jeremy into her face at every turn. Do you really want to be alone, Ric?

If that's what you want, fine! But you are going to help me avenge Elena's death and force Klaus and his pack to leave Mystic Falls and everyone Elena loved alone. It's the least you can do.

Maybe its best you stay alone, anyway, because Klaus will do anything and everything to get his sister's body back after I kill her and you steal and hide her body to force his hand.

Quit the bottle and get back into hunting shape, Ric. But make sure no one finds out. This will only be between you and me."
Niklaus' Mansion

"We're not getting any closer to getting my magic back, are we?" Greta asked, sitting on a chair in the kitchen with Klaus while the others were in their rooms minding their own businesses.

"No, we're not." Klaus replied, after sipping on blood from a glass.

"Maybe it's time we focus on something else."

"Like what, love?"

"Like you teaching me to fight. I've relied on magic too much like most witches and now that I don't have access to my magic I'm the weakest link here." Greta replied. "I don't want to be the weakest link and I don't want to feel weak. I hate feeling weak."

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