Chapter 65

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Dear Appreciated Reader,

It’s been one hundred weeks, seven hundred and one days, to be exact, since Chapter 64, and I have received every single one of your questions about and requests for more. It took me two long years to get in the headspace to write and complete this chapter, but I have one more chapter for you, just this one, and it is a thank you for checking up on me.

Please, receive this Valentine’s Day surprise present as my update on my state of mind and proof of life. I would like to express myself and appreciation in more words, but I have no words other than I’m still breathing, I’m alive and I’m better.

As long as I live and I am able, I will continue working on finishing this story. No matter how long it takes. Fortunately, you don’t have to wait for Chapter 65 anymore. Please, read on, Dear Reader, knowing that you’re appreciated.

Your Finger-tied Fellow Reader


PS Sia – Alive “I’m still breathing / I’m alive!

PPS Happy Valentine’s Day!


Chapter 65

The Strix Mansion

"What took you so long?" Tristan questioned as Madison entered the room.


"Shut him up already!" Aurora interrupted Madison's response, having had enough of Snipe's cries.

Neither she nor Aya or Tristan mentioned that Snipe was protected by the golden chain mail as Madison directed her hand in Snipe's direction and cast a non-verbal paralyzing spell targeting his neck, specifically his vocal cords. To Madison's confusion, however, the spell didn't take effect. Instead, full-body golden chain mail armor glowed around Snipe.

"What is this?" She asked no one in particular, her confusion audible.

"Something I want you and the Sisters to reverse engineer and undo," Aya responded, intrigued, and she wasn't the only one.

"Y-ou have t-to ask K-King Alp...!" Snipe struggled to say.

Tristan couldn't help but speed over to the table, pick up a fork and throw it at Snipe with all his might, interrupting Snipe and causing him to shield himself, only for the fork to rebound off the golden armor back to Tristan who avoided being hit by sidestepping.

Snipe cried harder as he realized that there was no escaping his pain.

"What have you done, Tristan?" Aya asked worriedly.

Tristan didn't know what to say, for this was the first time he saw something like this, and that scared him because if Scott was capable of casting such a spell, it meant that he was trained. That meant he had a skilled witch mentor who knew what they were doing and could seek vengeance for their mentee's death and who knew what they were capable of. 

"You heard Aya," Tristan said, addressing Madison. "Take Snipe and go study this spell and reverse engineer it."

"My Lord," Madison acknowledged and moved to telekinetically raise Snipe and bring him with her, but the armor protected him again.

"Use the carpet to move him," Aurora advised.

Madison followed the advice, and it worked, although the armor appeared to protect Snipe. As she left the room with Snipe, and the guards revived, Aurora, Aya, and Tristan returned to their seats, and a tense silence reigned for some time with the trio unsettled.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14 ⏰

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