Chapter 15

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Once done with getting Rebekah a smartphone she liked which happened to currently be in a special combo which included a laptop the poor saleswoman had to explain in detail Klaus had to take her shopping for clothes, and if he thought she spent a long time selecting a phone then choosing her new clothes took an eternity.

The ancient girl took her time building her style from scratch with the help of four semi-compelled salesmen and saleswomen who also took pictures with her new phone and Klaus who was getting her up to date on world development and the more pressing issues.

Rebekah couldn't wait to reunite with Stefan and make up for lost time although something didn't seem right. She knew her dagger happy half brother was withholding important information from her but she couldn't tell what.

"Where's my necklace, Nik?" Asked the girl when they were about to leave the store.

"Which necklace?" Inquired a tired hybrid, hoping against hope that she didn't want to go jewellery shopping.

"The Original Witch's necklace."

"That old thing? I didn't take it off you, Rebekah. Maybe you lost it while changing." He replied not nonchalantly.

"I wasn't wearing it when you un-daggered me." Responded a troubled Rebekah.

"Did you look inside the coffin?" Asked the hybrid, and not even a second later his sister was out of the store, leaving him behind with a ridiculous amount of bags carrying her new clothes and shoes.

He wasn't surprised though, Rebekah valued that thing that their mother gave her but he never cared much about it or anything to do with her, not when the woman made him weak his entire natural life when she knew just how much Mikael loathed weakness to protect herself and proceeded to make him weak to please her barbarian of a husband who couldn't handle the truth when it came out for a thousand years.

Klaus was glad Esther Mikaelson didn't make herself a vampire, if she did she would have been in the same place as Finn, Elijah and Kol, that was for sure.
"I can't wait to graduate already." Said Malia, Lydia and Scott walking alongside her as the three walked to the parking lot after school.

"And get out of Beacon Hills, get some fresh air." Added the banshee.

"I don't know, I kind of don't want us to graduate just yet. Who knows when we will be together again after graduation and we go our separate ways? I mean I know we need a break from Beacon Hills, after all, that's happened but..."

"But it feels like the end of something you don't want to let go though you know you need to." Lydia completed McCall's sentence, knowing how he felt. "It's called growing up."

"At least you guys know what you want to do after high school, I don't. What I do know is that I can't wait to graduate." Said the werecoyote.

"You'll find what you want to do in time, Malia. In the meantime don't pressure yourself." Responded Scott, eliciting a small smile from the Tate before a frown replaced it.

"Wait, where are you going? Aren't you supposed to be at practice?" She inquired, as they reached the True Alpha's dirt bike.

"Nope. Coach gave us a day off to rest. I'm going to see Peter right now." Replied the boy.

"Peter?" Lydia and Malia asked in unison, surprised.

"Yeah. I've been planning to visit him but putting it off. I want to know more about werewolf resurrection and he's the only one I know with the knowledge and personal experience so..."

"Good luck with that. Peter might have the knowledge and 'personal' experience but he'll want something in return." Said the Martin.

"What she said." Echoed the Tate born Hale, knowing that even being his daughter didn't mean much to Peter Hale.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now