Chapter 10

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After Klaus left Greta moved out of Alaric Saltzman's apartment into her family's house in Mystic Falls. She noticed that there was a break-in and resolved to legally claim the house on that very same day and secure it.

Apart from that the witch didn't have many plans planned for her time in town and with Klaus only wanting her to keep an eye on certain people she had a lot of time on her hands.

Time she could use to make Stefan Salvatore's life a living hell while keeping him intact but there had to be more to her life than that. While the Original Hybrid was out building an army Greta wanted to build something for herself too, that was one of the reasons she joined Klaus in the first place, to carve a place for herself.

How exactly was the question? One thing she knew was that she wanted to be more powerful than her father and with full access to his grimoire library... That was a possibility she could achieve in less time compared to him, the witch just had to find something else to do with her time.
"Scott McCall is a werewolf." Announced Caroline Forbes, facing Bonnie, Tyler, Elena, Stefan, Alaric and Matt.

That surprised Bonnie, Tyler, Matt and Alaric but confused Elena and Stefan. They all received messages from the vampire girl asking to meet at Elena's house and that she had some information, thinking it had something to do with Klaus they hurried only to be told about someone else.

"Whose Scott McCall?" Asked a confused Gilbert.

"One of the learners from Beacon Hills High School. I heard him collapse outside the school doors and found him passed out, sweating a lot and short of breath and brought him to the nurse's office." Informed Alaric.

"Are you sure that he's a werewolf?" Inquired Tyler, feeling like he finally understood why he fell earlier and felt at ease with the boy.

"I'm relatively sure. I mean he didn't tell me or anything, I just overheard him talking to some girl he called Malia and she seemed concerned that Scott collapsed and said that she was going to have Liam, whoever that is, keep an eye on him just in case and if anything happened she would come here with "the pack".

I don't know about you but pack screams werewolf to me." Replied Caroline.

"Liam? Scott's doctor Dr Deaton told me to get Liam Dunbar, a sophomore from Beacon Hills High and a "close friend" of Scott who is familiar with his medical record while I was talking to him on the phone. Does that mean Liam is a werewolf too?" Alaric supplied the information before asking his question.

"Werewolves are social people and we feel more at ease in the company of our kind, that's if no rivalry is established. Jules said that werewolves with packs rarely walk alone, even if they are their packmates are always just one howl away." Revealed Tyler, feeling oddly excited.

Maybe it was the fact that he was friendly with Scott earlier or that he missed the company of fellow werewolves after Klaus killed Jules.

"Liam is probably the captain of Beacon Hills Cyclones, jersey number nine. He was moving like Scott did when he saved that bird." Said Matt, having been thinking about how he could advance his game and incorporate some of that so that he could increase his chances of getting a scholarship.

"He saved a bird?" Inquired Stefan, head tilted to the side.

"Scott interrupted a match, intercepted a definite goal for his team to save the bird, a raven, and asked if someone knew where an animal clinic was. I met him after the first class and he was nice." Supplied Bonnie, while thinking about what she saw.

The yellow eyes made sense since they were a werewolf's eyes but the others...

"I met him too. I was running late for my second class and ran into him. I was the one who fell and he helped me up. There's something about him though I can't figure it out." Said Tyler.

Scott McCall, the MikaelsonWhere stories live. Discover now