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This chapter is dedicated to @Pinkypie2003 cause she wanted me to update 😂 all right lets get on with this.


Harry tried to act like he wasn't ogling Louis as he practiced, shirtless. He really tried. He tried to look into his book and mind his own god damn business. But then he heard these groans coming out of Louis's mouth and it was hard. And it made things hard.

Harry thought Louis did it on purpose, but then he saw that determined look on Louis's face as he punched and thought nah.

Harry knew Louis had one of those 'gang smack downs' , Harry couldn't care less. But then Louis was going, and Louis was fighting and Harry had to be there for him. He wanted to be there.

Harry scrunched his nose as Zayn- who was clearly sweating like a pig- plopped down next to him.

"Distance." Harry said, disgusted.

Zayn snorted, "Bet you'd lick the sweat of off Louis."

Harry blushed and looked down, mumbling a small 'Shut up' as he did.

Next Niall came in, chewing on his Cheetos.

"Aren't you participating?" Harry said looking up at him.

Niall snorted, "Me? Fighting? You want me dead or what."

"He's not the fighting type." Zayn said.

"Alright. So you'll be with me then?" Harry asked, relieved he won't have to sit alone.

"Do you think Louis would even go if I wasn't?"

Harry blushed again.

Harry knew Louis was protective of him. He knew Louis cared a lot about him and it made him giddy. He felt wanted. And it was something Harry always wished for.

"Where is he at?" Harry mumbled.

"He's in the study. I think he's knocked out on the table." Niall said, his mouth stuffed.

Harry got up mumbling, "Don't speak with your mouth full." And went to find Louis.

Harry entered the now small study room, considering they left Rome a few days back.

Harry missed Rome a bit, but then again he was in Paris. Fucking Paris.

Harry looked at Louis's slumped body on the table and went over to it.

Harry ran a hand through Louis's hair and Louis stirred in his sleep.

"Lou." Harry whispered, now in the level of his ears.

Harry shook his shoulders when he didn't budge.

"So Aphrodite-"

"I'm up, I'm up." Louis said, rubbing his eyes.

"C'mon." Harry said pulling him up and dragging him out of the study and to their room, holding his waist.

When they reached their room, he put Louis on the bed and tucked him in and lay next to him.

"My back's aching like a mother fucker." Louis mumbled.

"Want me to give it a rub?" Harry asked with a smirk.

"If you could." Louis mumbled in his sleep.

Harry placed his hand under Louis's shirt, feeling Louis shiver.

Harry hummed as he massaged Louis's back, slowly moving downwards.

After a good fifteen minutes, Harry's hand reached the waistband of Louis's trouser.

Louis's breath hitched.

He won't, Louis thought.

Harry touched lightly on Louis's hips, teasingly.

Louis gulped.

That motherfucker.

Harry's hand made its way, under Louis's trouser.

"I don't think that's my back." Louis said trying to sound normal.

"Don't act like you're not enjoying it." Harry mumbled in his hair.

Louis hummed in approval as Harry's large hand palmed him through his boxers.

Louis gasped as Harry's hand grabbed his cock and started pumping him.

Harry kissed behind his ears which send waves of heat crashing through Louis's body.

Louis groaned as a warning and Harry just moved his hands faster and Louis came hard, ruining his trousers as he did.

"Ugh I'll have to take a shower again now. Dick." Louis said as Harry removed his hand.

Harry grins.

"Can I join in?"


"Now promise me Louis , you'll take care of yourself in there and you won't-"

"Haz I'll be fine." Louis says, pecking Harry's lips.

"I don't trust that man." Harry whispered, looking at the man in the ring, glaring at him.

"And you don't have to, now go sit next to Niall and don't move alright?"

"Alright. All the best!" He gives him one last kiss and Louis leaves to enter the ring.

Harry sits next to Niall, his legs bouncing.

"Don't worry Haz he's been doing this for two years now." Niall says patting his knees reassuringly.

But Harry couldn't be reassured.

Louis was tiny in front of the guy. Literally.

Harry bit his nails as the match began.

Almost running over to the ring when Louis got punched.

He cheered as Louis beat up that guy, admiring his boyfriend and his boyfriend's biceps.Harry loved Louis's biceps he claimed.

Harry stood up and bounced when Louis knocked the guy down.

"TAKE THAT!" Harry shouted.

Louis searched the crowd and smiled when he saw Harry , standing and shouting. Louder than anyone.

When Louis got of the ring , Harry ran over to him, engulfing him into a hug.

"You were awesome you should've seen yourself you were like BAAM BOOM BAAM and that guy was BLAAHH." Harry said and Louis couldn't help but laugh and blush.

Louis was complimented before.

But when Harry complimented him it was something totally different.

He loved the look of pride in Harry's eyes and he wanted to see that again and again.

"Well thanks." Louis said kissing him.

"C'mon now let's go home." Louis said, his hands on Harry's waist.

"It's over? What about the semi finals? Finals?"

Louis laughed.

"Harry this is not a tournament. People bet on you in a match. And if you win the match and its over."

"Oh." Harry said.

"You want to watch some more?" Louis asked , tracing circles on his hips.

"Nah. Promise to make me tea when we get back?" Harry asked , with his puppy dog eyes.

And how could Louis say no to those?

He was whipped.

"Sure love." Louis said smiling, watching as Harry's grin grew wider.

A good kinda whipped.



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