Bad Ones

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My votes have gone from 21 to 6 I don't know what I'm doing wrong :( but oh well. This story is going to come to end soon, please don't bash me. I have other stories up so you could always read those :) those who have stuck by me through this all, thank you. Thank you so much! I love you guys.


"Harry! It's Louis he..he..he- just come out and have a look." Niall said frantically and then ran out of the room.

Harry hurried to the living room to see everyone surrounding Louis.

"What's happening?" Harry asks, making his way to the front.

He gasped when he saw Louis's bleeding arm.

"What happened?!" He asked, sitting next to Louis.

"They sneak attacked, those fuckers." Louis said wincing as Liam removed the bullet.

"It's alright." Harry said rubbing his back.

"Alright it's all bandaged up. No more stunts Louis, I'm telling you." Liam said looking pointedly at Louis.

"Don't cage him like that. He'll do what he wants to he isn't a kid anymore he knows what he's doing." Harry said to Liam.

"I know Harry, but he could take care of himself."

"Okay alright, c'mon Haz lets go to our room."

Harry walks besides Louis as they make their way to their room.

Louis lays down on the bed and sighs.

"One more time you get yourself shot, I'm loading my gun." Harry says, laying down next to Louis.

"What was that about not caging me?"

"That was to keep your dignity."

"I'm flattered."

"You should be."

They lay in silence when Harry suddenly shots, "oh yeah!" And gets up from his bed, removing the piece of paper from his book.

"Here." He says, handing Louis the piece of paper and sitting besides him.

"What's this?" Louis asks, raising his eyebrows.

"I can't just say it verbally SOOO yeah. Just read it." Harry says, motioning for him to open it.

Louis gently unfolds it and reads.

People say you should stay away from the bad ones
But if I had stayed away
How would've I found you?
How could've I found the love of my life?
How could've I found the person who understood me?
Who believed in me before anyone else did?
How could've I found my happiness?
The people are wrong,
They're always wrong.
And I did realize something.
The people are the bad ones,
Because they tell you to stay away from someone who makes you feel worthy of life; of everything.
If you are the one, people say is bad,
I'd love to stay forever in a bad company.
Because not only did you believe in me,
But also gave me life, Lou.
Yours sincerely,

Harry watches as Louis smiles and looks up, his eyes glistening.

"Come here you dork." He says pulling Harry into a hug.

Harry and Louis had always shared intimate moments, but they never hugged like this. Harry liked how Louis's arms held him and he wish it'd last forever.

"Thank you." Louis mumbles in Harry's shirt.

"I love you." Harry replies.

Happy that he could make his Lou happy.

Rate that poem out of ten cause I wrote it? 🙈 thanks for reading. I love you guys!

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