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^^^ I made that logo ha.
Thank you guys for the 1K+ views! It's means so much! If you'll want a chapter dedication or anything just leave a comment or something :) and if you'll share this story it'll be really appreciated. Once again thank you for reading this story it means so much!

P.S- I came up with a new fanfic idea. FML. XD


"Harry left hand on the blue." Louis smiled fondly, looking at the curly haired boy as he moved his hand to put it on the given color.

His men were happier and so was he.
Harry just gave out warmth, which everyone loved.

He was looking at his men as they played twister , tangled together, laughing and threatening each other.

Unfortunately when Harry was made to move his right leg, he fell and as he was in the middle, everyone else did too.

"Harry!" Zayn cried.

All Harry could do was laugh.

And all Louis could do was smile fondly at him.

Liam saw his leader from where he was -giving his mates instructions and he smiled. His leader, his mate was finally happy and Liam loved Harry for that.

Liam was always worried about Louis, knowing his boss doesn't open up to anyone, doesn't think he deserves happiness.

But all Louis deserves is happiness.

And Harry gave him that and Liam couldn't be more grateful.

"Alright guys, Joe's all over my phone. Let's settle this and be back." Louis called out.

Everyone groaned and scattered everywhere, getting themselves ready.

"When will you be back Lou?" Harry asked, tilting his head a little.

"In two hours max." Louis replied rubbing his thumbs over Harry's cheeks.

"Could you pick some things up for me?" Harry asked.

"Sure love. Write them down." Louis said giving him a smile.

Harry grinned and wrote down the math workbooks he wanted and all the stationaries he needed.

"Make sure the workbooks you get are written by these authors only. And pick me up a novel too? You chose it." Harry said handing the piece of paper over to Louis.

"Alright, Sam's here with you. Stay safe. Call me if anything happens."

"Alright." Harry said smiling.

Harry watched as the gang left, the house almost empty now.

"Want to watch a film?" Sam asked from the chair he was sitting in.

Harry had seen Sam before, he couldn't be too old. Twenty maybe?

"Sure." Harry said ,shrugging.

"Shit shit shit. Everyone to your rooms, don't speak something you'll regret! You know how this goes." Harry heard Niall shout.

Harry ignored it and concentrated on the poem he was reading. Sam and him got bored halfway through the movie and Sam announced he was going to nap. So Harry did the only thing he could and wanted to do.

There was a lot of commotion outside but Harry couldn't seem to care.

"We're facing an apocalypse here and you're here reading." Harry heard Zayn say.

He looked up to see most of the guys standing on his doorway.

Harry raised his eyebrows, "What?!" He asked as the men looked at him with puppy dog eyes.

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