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cutiesaloni here YA go :) why are my readers being inactive? Sup homeis you'll alright?


Harry sipped on the smoothie Louis bought him, his legs bouncing.

"It's going to be alright Haz. I'm right here." Louis said, patting his boyfriend's leg reassuringly.

That's the thing. Harry thought.

It wasn't like Harry didn't want Louis with him, he wanted him. He did. But Harry didn't want Louis to know how fucked up his family is.

Well Louis knew his family was fucked up, but this fucked up? Well no.

Harry knew Louis wouldn't judge him. Hell he'll punch Gemma in the face if she made Harry uncomfortable. But Harry didn't want to be a burden.
Louis had a lot of stuff going on, Harry didn't want to add on that.

Louis scrolled through his phone next to Harry and Harry peeped from the side. It was wrong but Harry needed to do something, even if it was peeping in his boyfriends phone.

When Harry saw Louis's phone, he couldn't keep the grin of off his face.

He saw the wallpaper, it was of him standing in that blazer he had worn for Jeff's party but he wasn't posing for it , no, he was reading a book . He remembered going through the last page before the party because he couldn't stand the suspense. He was grinning looking at the book and let's just say he was touched.

"Nice wallpaper there." He said grinning.

He saw Louis's cheek turn pink and he clicked his phone off.

"Wha-t .. Wha-t are you talking about?" Louis asked stuttering, cheeks bright red at this point.

"Don't worry , I love it." Harry said pecking his cheek.

Louis looked down, still blushing.

"Is Louis Tomlinson blushing?" Harry asked, now teasing.

"Stopppp." Louis whined.

"You're so cute." Harry said, tapping his nose.

"Yeah yeah." Louis said now composing himself.

Maybe Harry wouldn't be that much of a burden.


"Sooo what are you doing here?" Harry asked his sister.

Gemma looked at him and then at his and Louis's touching shoulders.

He felt Louis move a little away and frowned.

"Well would you stop staring and get on with it?" Harry said now a tad bit annoyed.

"Well, yeah.." Gemma started, embarrassed for being caught.

Harry moved closer to Louis, so their shoulders were touching again and he took Louis's hand in his and entwined their fingers , giving his hand a squeeze. Louis squeezed back.

"Well left me?" Gemma said, looking down.

Harry's eyes soften.

Harry knew that guy was a dick, he even told Gemma but she was so blind in love, that she shrugged him of.

"Why didn't you come back home?" Harry asked.

"How was I supposed to? Mum and Dad would have never taken me in anyways. I didn't want to see how disappointed they were. Plus dad was, still is, that perfect lawyer with a perfect family. I didn't want to ruin the image."

"You could've tried to contact me." Harry mumbled.

"What could have you done? You were just a kid, still are for a matter of fact." Gemma said snorting.

Harry felt bad, really bad.

"Excuse me miss, he is trying to help you out so you could be a less of a bitch." Louis snapped.

"The truth hurts doesn't it?" Gemma said.

"The fact that he can get a job at anytime, anyplace even at fucking NASA does not hurt. You are so into your own life that you've forgotten what your brother is. And that truth does hurt." Louis replied, clearly angry.

"Louis calm down." Harry said looking at him. Louis looked at Harry and shut up, because Harry's eyes told him that this was Harry's business and he doesn't have to make it his business.

"Listen Gemma, go back home. Mum and Dad will take you back in, trust me. They miss you a lot." Harry said, smiling at her.

"And what about you? You'll stay with this criminal?" Gemma said, glaring at Louis.

Harry stiffened.

"You have done what you wanted in life Gemma, let me do what I want."

"I'm your sister, I can't see you waste your life with him."

Harry snorted, "where was my sister when people pushed me around in school? Where was my sister when I wrote my first book? Where was my sister when I needed someone? That's right she wasn't there. But you know what Gem? He was there, he is still there. So don't tell me who I have to be with and not. It was nice meeting you. Have a nice journey home." Harry said and then got up and left.

He breathed in and out.

Why were people so judging? Louis was just helping him out. Fulfilling his dreams.

People weren't nice. They were never nice.

Louis caught up to Harry and stopped him.

"Haz..." Louis said running his thumb over Harry's cheeks.

"I'm sorry Louis." Harry said looking down.

"It's alright Harry, isn't the first time. I'm used to it." Louis said smiling.

Harry frowned.

"Harry I did this to myself, stop beating yourself over it." Louis said, kissing his nose.

"No you didn't. The people did."

"I turned into the monster Harry. I wasn't a monster I turned into it."

Harry looked down and concentrated on the grass.

"Monsters are not born, they're made. " Harry heard Louis said.

"The people made you into it." Harry mumbled.

"I was weak I couldn't carry on. So I turned into what I am."

"Prodigies are born, not made. They hate me for who I am. For something I can't change. It's always the people Louis. You aren't weak."

Louis went in his tiptoes and kissed him softly.

"I wish I wasn't Harry."

So here ya go. The next chapter will be updated when I'm free 😂 cause like my exams start this week and I don't think I will even get my phone. So yeah. Hope you'll like this chapter :) please comment your opinions. I love you guys. Always be a Creep! Ha. I think I'll call you'll Creeps.


"Hi I'm a creep , whatcha doing."

Tell me if you're a creep XD

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