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Okay guys, listen up. This is the most important chapter. And well the last one for a while. It's not because the story has ended, NOPE. It's just because I think this story is one of my best works and deserves more reads. I will update soon though :) don't worry. Much love to the people who read my story.


Louis was always the loser.

Whether it was a quiz or a game of monopoly.

He always lost.

He lost his dignity, his trust on people, his family, everything.

But there is always a point in everyone's life where they get tired of what they don't want to be, but unfortunately are.

Louis also got tired.

Of losing.

Of people looking down on him.

Of people taking away what mattered to him the most.

So he became what he is now.

A monster.

But he wasn't alone in the start.

No he had his Harry.

He had his bestfriend, who didn't think he was a loser. He actually looked up to Louis. He spoke to Louis the same way he talked to others. Louis didn't know why people wouldn't want to hear his theories, his myths, his thoughts. They were special. They were meant to be heard and preserved and obeyed on.

And that's how they became bestfriends.

Louis was desperate for a person to just not think of him as a loser, as a nothing. He wanted people to speak to him. Share things. And Harry, he just wanted to be heard out.

It kind of just happened.

Louis remembered meeting Harry so clearly, he loved the memory.

"Stupid people, stupid germ spreading people." Louis heard the curly hair boy the next to him mutter as he washed his hands.

The curly haired boy was obviously mad and Louis was about to ask why, when he was splashed with water.

Louis blinked.

"Oops?" The curly haired boy looked at him, a look of worry on his face.

Louis smiled.


Harry didn't remember anything, it makes sense though. They were just kids.

But Louis remembered everything, every promise he made, every sob. Everything.

Harry would've remembered him, if he hadn't left.

But how could he not? When Harry's dad had put his i.e. Louis's dad to a death sentence? Blaming him for his own family's murder.

But his father didn't kill his family.

Those bad guys did.

In front of him.

His dad saved him.

But his dad told him not to tell. He told him to get out of there and be strong. And when he was strong enough he had to find them and kill them.

And Louis had enough practice of killing now.
"Harry eat something." Louis begged his curly haired captive.

"I don't want to Louis!" Harry snapped, aggressively pressing the buttons of the PSP in his hands.

"Well then don't ask me for anything, or talk to me." Louis said, clearly hurt and annoyed for being put after a machine, and left.

Stupid Harry and his stupid video game. Why did he buy it for him anyway?

Louis groaned.

Why did it matter to him though? It was stupid.

He liked Harry. He knows.

He liked him before, still does. More than a bestfriend.

But it doesn't matter, does it?

Harry won't like him back.

Harry had better things to do, better people to meet.

But how would Harry do that if Louis never let him go?

But Louis knew that was impossible.

The reason he had Harry captive was because he had to still fulfill his promises.

He had to make Harry fulfill his dreams.

Then he would have to let him go.

Harry's dad had put Louis's dad to death sentence, not Harry.

Louis lay on his bed, knowing he better sleep, it was late.

He switched off the lights and lay in bed.

After a few minutes he felt the bed dip.

A finger linked with his pinky.

He smiled a little.

"I'm sorry." He heard Harry mumble, coming closer to him.

Louis let him.

"It's alright." Louis mumbled back, placing his head above Harry's.

It was the first time Louis cuddled.

It was the first time in years, Louis slept without nightmares.


I hoped you'll liked it. And understood Harry and Louis's past. :) if you'll have any questions feel free to ask.

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