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This is the sad one, there is an alternative ending, u can always scroll ahead.
Harry stretched on his bed, searching for Louis, to find him no where.

He frowned and got up, wearing his pyjamas and going outside.

His eyebrows scrunched up in confusion when he saw everyone around him sobbing.

"Guys?" He asked softly.

Everyone looked up to see him, their eyes filled with pity and sadness.

"What's wrong?" He asked slowly, being careful to not break the ice.

Zayn sobbed harder, Liam holding his shoulders.

"Will someone tell me what's going on?!" Harry said a little louder, annoyed.

"Lo-o-u-is he-he-" Niall broke down into more tears.

"Louis what?!" Harry asked frantically.

"He- he's no m-m-mo-o-re." Frank said between hiccups.

Harry's eyes widen, he sat plump on the ground, his mind going blank.

This wasn't true. This was just some sick joke. This couldn't be true.

Harry watched as the members of the gang, mourned for their leader.

Harry didn't know what to do.

"You're in for hurting yourself."

He remembered Louis's words.

He closed his eyes, tears he didn't know had formed falling down his cheeks.

"He can't.." Harry mumbled.

"HE CANT!" Harry screamed into the void.

Harry sobbed, his shoulders shaking.

He felt arms around him.

But they didn't say anything to him.

And Harry was greatful. Because he couldn't bare any fake consultation at the moment.

Harry watched as his boyfriend's body was lowered down.

Harry wasn't crying, no. He was out of tears, he felt numb.

How could Louis just leave him like that? How could he?

"Louis wanted you to have it." Zayn said, handing Harry the red book he had once found in Louis's room.
Harry took the book from him gently.

"He told you didn't?" Harry mumbled.

"I'm sorry Harry. But he was the master of his own life. I couldn't stop him from doing what he wanted. He always had a plan. About everything. He had one for this too."

"Who did it to him?" Harry asked.

"They're dead, Louis killed them. Who them, I think that answer is in that book. I'm sorry." Zayn said, looking down.

Harry understood him. He was just keeping his promise, he was just trusting Louis. It wasn't his fault.

Harry pulled Zayn into a hug.

"It's okay Zayn." Harry said.

Zayn looked up to him trying to form a smile but failing.

"You'd want to read that book. I'll be out if you need me."

Harry nodded as he left.

He opened the book gently, reading the first page.

Dear Harry,
You'll be reading this after I'm long gone, but I hope this makes a difference.
First thing I'd like to tell you is that
I love you. So so much. I did since the day I found you in that bathroom.
My death will be something, you shouldn't mourn over. You knew this was going to happen, I warned you. I'm sorry if I caused you tears, I didn't mean to, I swear.
If you think now that I'm gone, you'll be free from someone nagging you and making your dreams come true, you're wrong. I've made all the arrangements. That examination you wanted to give in New York? The entry pass is attached on the last page.
You remember when I told you that I'll tell you what makes me go out so much? So here's the thing.
There's this guy name Ethan. If he rings any bells in your head don't be surprised, your dad saved his ass. He killed my family. Right in front of me. Your father made my father be hanged for that. My goal wasn't to hunt down your dad, no. I was hunting down Ethan. I'll have killed him by the time you'll read this, hopefully.
The thing is Harry, even if I survive this, there's no chance for me to live peacefully. I'll have to run 24/7 and I'm tired of running, tired of hiding. I want to grow old with you, live with you, have kids with you. I want to do so much with you, but it seems so impossible.
Remember Harry, I love you. I've always had. You're unique, you're incredible, you're awesome, you're a genius, if someone says other wise, load the gun.
I've saved everything I could from our past and it'll be all in the book. Don't worry Harry, if you don't want to go back home, you could still live with one of the members. They adore you, not more than me though.
If you ever find yourself alone, close your eyes and feel the air, that'll be me caressing your cheeks and kissing your lips. I'll always be there.
That's about it.
Lead a happy life Harry, you deserve it.
Always in my heart.
Yours sincerely,

Harry closed his eyes, not wanting the tears to pour out.

I love you too Louis.

So so so much.


The End.

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