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Harry had been on a flight.

But he had never been on flight with a criminal, a wanted criminal.

Harry shifted in his seat , not liking the blue lenses that poked his eyes, nor the black wig on his head.

Harry looked at Louis on his side, trying not to laugh.

"Ugh, shut up." Louis groaned.

Harry laughed none the less.

Louis was looking funny.

And he wasn't the only one who thought that.

Louis wore a red wig with brown lenses and a tight multi-coloured button down shirt with khaki three-fourths.

Harry wasn't complaining about the way Louis's body looked in that shirt, nor was he complaining about the way Louis's ass looked in those three-fourths.

That was the truth Harry decided to accept in the past week.

Louis was fit.

And Harry found Louis attractive.

And Harry tried to deny it , he did really. But he really got frustrated one day.

And after having a wank , thinking about Louis, he came to a realization that he wasn't just horny.

Louis made him horny.

Harry looked forward with a sigh.

"When do you think will we land?" Harry asked Louis slowly.

"I don't know , two three hours more I think?"

"Alright." Harry said and leaned back on the seat.

"I pity those who'll travel there via a car." Harry mumbled.

"Eh. They asked for it." Louis said with a shrug.

Harry looked in disbelief at Louis.

"They're just loyal to you. They want to be with you."

"Well, I'm grateful for that. But I didn't ask them to come along here."

"Point there."

And then it struck him.

Louis had asked Harry to come along , but not his gang mates.

Harry shook of the feeling in his stomach.

It means nothing.
Harry stretched next to Louis , who was busy on his phone.

"Where to now?" Harry asked, looking about at the weird airport.

"Towards a bald guy which holds a sign which says 'the Youngs'." Louis said, head still down.

"Could've been more creative with the name." Harry mumbled and looked around for a bald guy holding up the said name.

"I don't plan out other people's names." Louis smirked and dragged Harry towards a car, their luggages with them.

"Wait, you didn't call for it? We're sitting in someone else's car? That's illegal Louis." Harry whispered-shouted.

Louis stopped and turned looked at a Harry, his eyebrows raised.

Harry looked back at him and then it hit him.

"Right..." And then he let himself be dragged by Louis.

They did find a guy with the sign.

And when they sat in the car , Harry was made to talk to the guy in Greek.

When Harry and Louis reached their destination, Harry gaped at him.

It was far away from any civilization and was huge.

"Don't tell me we are the only ones living here?" Harry asked Louis , looking at the huge structure in front of him.

"Well for a few days yeah." Louis says, now standing next to him.

"C'mon smart guy." Louis says, keeping his hand on Harry's waist, guiding him in.

To say Harry wasn't flustered with that small gesture, was a lie.

When they both stepped in the house, Harry grinned.

"THERE IS A STAIRCASE HOLY MOM." Harry said excited and ran for it, leaving his suitcases behind.

He climbed on the handrail and slid from it.

Louis shook his head as he picked up his and Harry's suitcases and climbed the stairs.

Harry couldn't care less about the suitcases because there was a staircase in front of him and it had a handrail and no one was stopping him from sliding off of it.

When Harry was satisfied and could feel his jeans had worn out, he got of the handrail and made his way up to find Louis.

"Louis?" He spoke, his voice echoing through the huge mansion.

"Here Harry." He heard from a room.

He entered to see Louis shirtless and gulped.

"You take the room next to this yeah?" Louis.

Harry nodded and went to the next room, to see his suitcases already there.

It was a large room, if that wasn't quiet obvious, well furnished. Harry liked it.

But the real problem was the man in the next room.


So there it is! This chapter is dedicated to @cutiesaloni for being such an amazing friend and reading my story regularly. Love you 😘 hope you like it!

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