Wernicke's area and Broca's area.

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Hey guys , let me warn you I'm very very very emotional right now, and you know the reason why. Fanfiction. Those ruin you. And even though this story isn't as much appreciated as much as I want it to, it's alright. Not everyone is deemed to get noticed or appreciated. I love you guys who have supported me through this story. From now on my chapters, my story, won't have goals. It'll be just be you guys, whom I notice every time. Trust me every comment of yours makes my day. Thank you.

"Louis I think I'll do this." Harry said, his tongue out as he scribbled down the solution.

"Ofcourse you will, you've been doing it for like three days now. Ofcourse you will." Louis said, concentrating on his phone.

Harry wrote and wrote, oblivious of the world around him. He just had to do this. He will do it and Louis will be proud of him and he'll have enough money-enough everything- to have a life with Louis. Money is everything right? Money can get you anything right?

"I think you should have something, Haz. It's been a couple of hours now." Louis says, worried.

"I will Lou."

Louis sighed and went over to him.

"Haz," he said taking Harry's pencil from his hand, "stop please, eat something." Louis said.

Harry looked up at him and did feel a bit guilty, it had been three days since they last made a proper conversation.

"Alright." Harry said getting up and following Harry to the hall.

Harry looked at all the faces he hadn't seen for a while.

"Look who decided to come, I was collecting drachmas to throw to Hades for making sure you were put in the Fields of Punishment." Zayn said.

Harry frowned," Why would you want me in the Fields of Punishment?"

"Well you don't expect us to go Elysium do you?" Zayn said and Niall snorted.

"That's really sweet of you Zayn, not wanting to leave my side." I said sitting at the table.

"Well who wants to leave a prodigy's side? Bet you'll beat Hades ass in the underworld rules or something and get us into Elysium."

"Bet the smack down will be epic, I bet the spirits will all come over. Does the Underworld have popcorns? We'll need it." Niall said.

"Harry will go like page 76 Underworld book chapter 16 rule 13789.5 read your own god damn book Hades." Frank, said cracking up, followed my the rest of the table.

"There is no Underworld rule book but it'd be sick to kick his ass."

Harry shook his head, he did influence these people.

"Alright boys, get on with the food." Louis said, sitting down.

Everyone shut up and were silent for a moment, almost like a prayer, and then started their conversations again and eating.

Harry ate, writing equations on the napkin.

"Give it a break Haz." Louis whispered into his ears.

Harry blushed and nodded.

He was going to solve this, even if it blew up his mind.


"Would you like to do something? I'm free today." Louis asked, looking at Harry with almost desperation.

Harry rarely left his room, trying to solve the six sums.

The thing was Harry wanted to solve
the Millennium Prize Problems. They are seven problems in mathematics that were stated by the Clay Mathematics Institute in 2000. As of October 2014, six of the problems remain unsolved. A correct solution to any of the problems results in a US $1,000,000 prize, sometimes called a Millennium Prize, being awarded by the institute.

Harry wanted to win that, Harry knew there were other things in this world he could do to earn to save him and Louis from anything in this world. But he wanted this. He wanted people to see the person who helped him through this, how lovely he was. He wanted people to know that his Lou wasn't a monster.

"Sure." Harry replied.

Louis was always free, he just never bothered Harry. Harry knew that, he guessed it was the time Louis lost his patience. Harry would too.

"We could go for dinner?" Louis suggested.

"We could go for a movie and then dinner?" Harry asked.

He smiled, seeing Louis smile.

"Alright. Get ready then."


Harry always wondered what was wrong with the teenagers now days, he even took an oath to bisect a teenagers brain and see what's wrong with it.

Why were they so unorganised and messy and unhygienic he would never know.

Louis was never like that, he himself wasn't like that. Then why them?

Harry averted his gaze from the teenager who was drinking beer and eating his noodles like he never had noodles.

Even Niall didn't eat like that and that's something.

Harry and Louis decided to watch 'The Theory of Everything' considering it was a biography and Harry liked biographies and Harry knew Stephen Hawking, one of the people Harry respected and looked up to.

Well Louis didn't care. He just wanted to be with Harry.


"The movie was really nice." Harry said, taking a seat at the table of a restaurant Louis brought him to.

"It really wasn't my thing." Louis said, going through the menu.

Harry snorted, "ofcourse it was not."

"I think I should be offended, but I'm clearly not." Louis said.

"You're crazy."

"You're a geek."

"I don't take offence to that." Harry pointed out.

"Good because I like you geek. Like why would I be seen with you if it wasn't for your prodigious mind that intrigues me to a point that I want to puke."

"I'm flattered really." Harry said, one hand dramatically over his heart.

"You better be. It took a lot for my cerebrum to process that, unlike yours."

"First of all, your cerebrum does not process your words Wernicke's area and Broca's area in the brain do, plus I could not process those words, I'm too focused on solving the damn sums, even popcorn reminds me of them."

"Go easy on yourself." Louis says, patting his hands.

"I just want to solve them and get the money Louis. I want to show them all, being a prodigy is not bad. Being yourself is not bad. Reading too much is not bad." And that you aren't a monster. Harry didn't say though.

"And that you will." Louis said smiling.

"You have too much faith in me." Harry sighed.

Louis chuckled and says, "Well what else is a man gotta say to the only man who had faith in him?"

Harry looked up at him and smiled.

"That was one of the best things I've ever done." Harry said, the smile never leaving his face.


"Have faith in you."

PS- The Millennium Prize Problems are not solved. This story is pure fiction i control this story anything I want can happen so yeah. I HOPE YOULL LIKED THIS CHAPTER IMMA GONNA GO STUDY SOME BIOLOGY. I LOVE YOULL ALWAYS STAY CREEPY. :) <3 never let any bring you down!

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