Louis Tomlinson.

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Harry tried to get free from the tight grasps around his hands and legs. Wriggling as he was held tightly.

He struggled for breath when a cloth was kept over his nose and mouth. It wasn't long before everything went black.


When Harry woke up he found himself in a room that clearly wasn't his. He was facing a blank wall which wasn't that fascinating now. What was he doing here? How did he get here? He thought.

He stiffened when he heard a door open behind him. He tried to move his hands but he couldn't. He frowned feeling a rough material,which he assumed was a rope, tightly wrapped around his wrist.

He tried to move his legs but they too were tied up.

"Don't fidget, it'll hurt less." He heard a voice.

"Don't tell me what to do." He snapped.

"Well okay." The intruder chuckled and said, his voice closer now.

Harry didn't like the way he chuckled. It meant that he thought what Harry said was amusing....but jokes are amusing and Harry clearly didn't crack a joke.

Harry frowned as he saw the man who was now standing infront of him.

The same eyes.

So this man was staring at Harry through his window? What a creep.

"What did you use to make me unconscious?" Harry asked sternly, not caring about who that guy was.

"You are here," the man started "in a room" he threw his hands up and motioned towards the whole room," tied to a chair and you ask which drug I used to make you unconscious?"

"Well yes." Harry said, now frowning.

"I'm really amused Mr.Styles ." He said looking at Harry, a hint of smile clear on his face.

"There's nothing to be amused about, Mr.Amused, now are you naming the drug or what?"

Mr.Amused,Harry named him that for the time being, hummed and said "Chloroform."

Harry gaped at him.

"Do you have any idea how dangerous it is? I could've faced a cardiac arrhythmia! Have you lost it?!" He said, clearly panicking.

"What's that? Actually don't explain. Well you didn't face whatever that is so get over it."

"I could've." Harry mumbled.

"You really don't know who I am,do you ?" He asked raising his eyebrows, the small smile never leaving his face.

"Should I?" Harry asked confused. If he was a person to be known, how could Harry not know him?

"Not really. But most people do."

Harry felt a weight on his chest. People knew him and Harry didn't. How could that be possible? Harry knew everyone there is to know.

"Who are you?" Harry asked, making notes in his head, ready to learn something new.

"Louis Tomlinson." He said.

Harry frowned.

"What do you do? What makes you known to people?" Harry asked wanting to know more.

"Harry, love, you're here tied to a chair away from home with me standing in front of you, what do you expect?"

That's when Harry inspected Louis. He had tattoos covering him, while he wore a black shirt and black pants. Harry's mind did the calculation as to who the guy was. It wasn't rocket science.

Harry gulped.

"You are a kidnapper."

"I'm more like a leader of a gang, but yeah nice job guessing."

Harry's heartbeat quickened, he was sitting infront of a gang leader. He was in the presence of a gang leader.

"And..the reason you got me here is..?" Harry asked trying not to show his excitement. Yes, he could be shot at any moment now but he found him too intriguing to care.

"Well you'll get to know about that later, c'mon you want a tour around here or something?"

"Yes!" Louis looked at him raising an eyebrow.

"I mean pshhtt sure do you expect me to sit on this chair with my limbs tied up when I could walk freely in my 'imprisonment' place." He tried to sound bored and like he didn't care.

"Sure Curly."

"We are on nick name level now?" Harry asked raising his eyebrows.

"I did give you a nickname so yeah." Louis replied opening the ropes around Harry's wrists and legs.

"So you establish levels now who do-"

He shuts up when Louis looks him in the eye.

"Right, I'll just zip it." He says standing up and looking down, hands behind his back.

Louis walked towards the door, Harry trailing behind him like a kid being shown his way towards his new room.

Harry's eyes lit up as he looked at the room, analyzing every detail as he did. He touched the smooth metal of the guns and rifles on display, feeling giddy as he did. He knew their names, each and everyone of them, he knew all of their special characteristics and to see these live, finally , was so cool.

Harry's dad never let him see these things- his dad. His parents. They will probably be worrying about him. Won't they? But he was kidnapped he couldn't just ask the guy to drop him home.

Harry didn't have too much time to think before a man walked in.

"So this is the guy-"

"Shut up." Louis snapped at the man.

"Alright alright calm down." The man chuckled.

"Go to that room, you're gonna be sleeping there." Louis instructed Harry, pointing to the room guarded by two men.

Harry did what he was told.

When he reached the room he backed the door and slid down with its support.

How am I supposed to get out of here?

Was the only thought running in his mind.



Whoa that was some long shit. Anyways. So I wanted to make sure that you'll knew the reason as to why Harry was excited when Louis offered him a tour, it was because Harry was obsessed with gangs as you'll know he is a prodigy and according to me prodigies love to learn and he has clearly learnt about Gangs and is intrigued as to how they live. And the fact that he had never seen a gang or a gang person live , made him 100 times more excited.

Well and a note for all of you'll-
I am not a child prodigy(if it isn't quiet obvious) and I have not seen a prodigy live too, I've read a lot about them though. Anyways I expect you'll to go easy on me whenever some 'smart ass prodigy' thing happens cause like I said not a child prodigy!

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