Alternative Ending

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So basically everyone was just very sad about the ending so I made happy one for you guys! Hope you like it x

Harry yawned, stretched his arms and legs before opening his eyes.

He turned to his side to hold on to Louis to find the bed empty.

What? Where did he go?

Harry frowned, getting up, making his way to the hall.

He raised his eyebrows at everyone's tensed expression.

"What's going on?" He asked, looking at Zayn.

Zayn scratched the back of his head, before saying, "Louis might have gone to challenge this guy..? And might have got a tiny bit injured..?"

Harry gasped, but before he could manage to say anything the door slammed open and Louis stumbled forward, holding onto his left bicep.

He stood before the gang, giving them a crooked smile before saying, "I got him."

And then he fainted on the ground.

Harry hurried over to his side, kneeling next to him and checking his pulse first. They were steady beneath Harry's fingers. Thank god.

"What are you looking at me for? Get him to our room and get me my supplies!" Harry commanded, besides Louis as the people carried their leader to his and Harry's shared room.

"Honestly he really can't just be normal, can he? What if I wasn't a doctor? What if I wasn't  a prodigy you idiot." Harry blabbed on to Louis unconscious form , before slamming the door shut, once Louis was placed on his bed and the other members were outside.

The members waited outside with anticipation as Harry worked on his boyfriend. They knew Harry would save him, they were waiting for what was going to happen right after. They really weren't prepared to go through another one of Harry's lectures.

After two hours and so the door opened and a very tired looking Harry came out.

"He's fine, he just needs rest to heal two broken bones and well his injuries, he should be fine. Once he is, I'll make sure he's hurt." Harry said, his eyes angry.

"You need some rest," Zayn said, swinging an arm around Harry's shoulder.

"Why don't you go and rest too yeah?"

"Okay." Harry nodded rubbing his eyes.

He returned back to his and Louis' room and cuddled next to Louis , placing his head on Louis' chest making sure not to hurt his injuries.

Harry sighed before falling asleep to Louis' steady heartbeat and breaths.

The next time Harry woke up, blue eyes were already staring back at him.

"You do realise you look like a creep doing that?" Harry mumbled, rubbing his eyes.

"What I can't even look at my boyfriend?" Louis said, smiling.

"Well you can but when he's not about to hurt you." Harry said, getting up, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

"Why would you...oh." Louis said, looking at his injured arm.

"It was an accident..?" Louis tried.

"Zayn told me you challenged him."

"Well ofcourse the fight wasn't an accident, me getting hurt was. The floor was slippery and i fell straight on my hand—"

"It's okay, just don't get yourself killed yeah?" Harry said, placing a hand on Louis' cheek and caressing his cut.

"Why would I get myself killed, I want to go grow old with you, have a few kids you know? Can't do that if I'm dead now can I ?" Louis said, smiling, his eyes crinkling, as he sat up slowly, wincing a little.

Harry's eyes pooled with tears and he lunged forward at Louis pulling him in for a hug.

"Ouch!" Louis squealed, but didn't let go of Harry and pulled him closer.

"I love you." Harry mumbled into Louis shoulders.

"I love you more." Louis said back.

Harry grinned against Louis' shoulders.

"Are we gonna pretend that this isn't the first time you've  told me I love you?" Harry mumbled, his grin not flattering.

"Yes, please." Louis said, his grin widening.

After a moment of silence, Louis continued.

"That dude, the one that I killed today, he was the one responsible for killing my family. He put the blame on my father and your father saved him. I'm sorry but I couldn't let him live." Louis mumbles, clutching onto Harry tightly, "And I wasn't sure I was going to survive today, that's why I never said I love you back. I thought it'd hurt less if I didn't. But I don't know how you could think I'm not in love with you. It's written all over my face."

"I never knew that about my dad..." Harry mumbles, "But I'm not really surprised. Just please, no killing from now onwards okay? Let's be a peaceful gang."

"You're going to ruin my reputation babe." Louis snickers.

"Ask me if I care."

"John William Tomlinson, come here this instance." Harry shouted, his hands on his hips.

Little John comes and stands in front of Harry, dwindling his fingers, looking almost guilty.

"Did you complete your math homework?" Harry asked.

"Yeah! Ofcourse I did. I finished it back in school." John said, proudly.

John had acquired Harry's brains. He wasn't a prodigy but he was first in his grade. He got Louis' big heart and mischief and he got Louis' eyes and Harry's dimples. He was just the most perfect boy.

"And did you break my vase?" Harry asked, his eyebrow quirked up.

"I'm sorry Daddy, it was an accident I swear!" Harry's eight ear old son plead.

"Be careful next time, okay?" Harry said, sighing. He really didn't have heart to say anything to little John,he had eyes like Louis' and Harry just melts looking at them.

"I'm back!" Louis' voice boomed through the house.

"Dad!" John shouted, running over to his other father.

"Hello my little one, I got you your pizza." Louis said, ruffling his child's hair.

"You're spoiling him you know?" Harry said, wiping his hand on a napkin.

"Well, I just like to see my son and husband happy." Louis said, shrugging, then placing a kiss on Harry's lips.

"Well c'mon then, let's put on a movie and have this pizza."

Well, the Tomlinson's couldn't be any happier.


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