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Warning- Lap Dance

When Louis asked Harry to go to the bar with him, Harry thought they were going alone.

And for spending time alone.

Well Harry thought wrong.

He was squished between Louis's men in the back while Zayn sat in the passenger seat, next to Louis.

Well Louis didn't take Zayn to eat dinner did he?

That's right. Nope.

But Harry just couldn't get that uneasy feeling in his stomach to go away.

As the car halted in front of the bar, after minutes of suffocation, Harry sighed in relief.

But Harry was still stuck between Louis's men, while Louis and Zayn walked ahead.

What was up with them?

Niall trotted besides Harry.

"Hey Haz." He says grinning.

"Hey." Harry replies softly.

"Don't worry we'll get smashed tonight." Niall said patting his back.

But Harry didn't want to get smashed, he wanted to spend time with Louis.

He was acting childish, he knew.

But what's a man gotta do when his only friend walks away from him?

And the fact that Harry was jealous made Harry want to hit himself, hard.

What if Louis wasn't even gay?

There was no point in liking him.

Louis was out of Harry's league, with that fit body and beautiful face of his.

Harry was your normal lanky boy, who couldn't even walk without stumbling.

As they entered the bar, Louis and Zayn went and sat alone while the rest of them went straight for the drinks.

Harry loathed in self pity.

He wanted to go home.

Is there even a home now?

Niall kept a drink in front of Harry.

Harry's hand twitched as he grabbed the glass.

It's better to forget for a while.

Harry felt giddy as he walked through the bar.

He was enjoying, dancing with Niall-feeling like a teenager for once- with Liam on the side supervising them.

It was quiet funny actually the way Liam was ready to bolt towards them when anyone of them stumbled.

Harry was giggling the whole time. Then something caught his eyes.

Someone actually.

There was Louis, getting a lap dance from a girl who didn't even look good. Harry huffed in annoyance and went over to them.

He tapped the girls shoulder, she looked behind at him.

"I think that's enough for today you can leave." Harry said, his words slurring.


"Hey I told you to leave didn't I? Are you diagnosed with Anacusis or what?" Harry snapped, hands on his hips.

The girl there stood fish mouthed, opening and closing it, trying to form a sentence.

"You're still here, really?" He said once again.

That was all it took before she ran off.

Harry watched as she trotted away, in her too short dress. Then he moved his attention back to Louis.

He was sitting there on a chair, just looking at what was happening.

He didn't know why Harry made her go. But he couldn't stay here for long , he had a little problem in his pants.

He was about to get up when Harry pushed him back on the chair he was sitting on.

Harry was clearly drunk. But Louis didn't seem to care.

All he could care about was the dark green eyes and the red lips. He wanted to run his hands through Harry's curly mess but he stayed put.

Harry came forward and sat down on Louis's lap ,painfully slow.

Louis's breath hitched as he felt Harry's breath on his neck.

He gulped as Harry's lips touched his bare skin.

He gripped into his chair as Harry sucked on his skin. He was trying really hard to just not reach out for Harry's butt.

But he got the answer soon.

Harry took Louis's hands into his and guided them to his hips.

When did Harry even learn all this?

He didn't have enough time to think about it as Harry grinded his bum on Louis crotch.

That girl- Stacy- was on him for about fifteen minutes and that didn't even make him hard.

He didn't know what Harry was doing, but he was ready to release in his pants already.

Louis moaned as his hands made their way to Harry's butt.

Harry took it as an encouragement and rolled his hips down on Louis's lap and grinded more.

Louis groaned loudly.

Harry looked up from his neck, his lips red, coated with his siliva.

Louis was close, really close.

But Harry decided to stop at that time.

He got up and nuzzled his nose in Louis's neck, breathing in his scent. He kissed the mark he left.

"Mine." He whispers.

And then leaves, swaying his hips as he did.

And Louis rushes to the washroom to release.

Harry had done the rest of the job.

Okay don't kill me if its bad. Your opinions? :)

Anacusis is the total loss or absence of the ability to perceive sound as such.

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