Wrong Move.

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Harry was quiet comfortable, kidnapped. But unfortunately he cared about his parents more than his comfort. And well he wasn't exactly free to move about.

So when Louis said they're going out, Harry's ears perked up.

Harry was made to change into clothes he didn't wear ,was made to wear a bandanna and lastly given eye contacts which changed his eye color.

Harry didn't quiet like that. He knew those things could damage his eyes but he had to go along if he wanted to go back to his parents.

When he was seated in a car he looked over his plan and wondered if his parents even gave a fuck if he was missing or not?

He asked Louis "Did my parents file a missing report for me?"

"Not yet."

Harry sulked, was he such a disgrace that his parents actually didn't give a fuck if he was there or not?

No, they loved him. His father is probably getting back from work and then he and mum will take action. Harry thought, trying to reason with himself.

When the car halted , Harry looked out of the window to see where he is.

They were at a mall.

Louis was dumber than Harry thought.

He got out of the car and followed Louis, walking besides him while Louis's men scattered around the mall.

"Why are we here?" Harry asked.

"I have some business to take care of. Then I thought we'll get you some clothes?" Louis said in a tone which was insanely familiar.

No, the tone in which he normally talked in was different than this. Harry tried to remember when he had heard this. He couldn't come up with any conclusions. He frowned, he always had a conclusion.

"Why the frown Curly? Don't want new clothes?"

"No I want clothes. I was just thinking about something."

"A penny for your thoughts?" Louis asked raising his eyebrows, now stopping in front of a cafe.

"Your voice, tone, sounds really familiar." Harry said truthfully.

"Well you are living with me for the past few days, I would be surprised if it wasn't familiar."

"No, like I heard it way before you, you know, locked me away."

Louis stiffened at that.

"I'll have to leave,the men are here." Louis said, not answering his question.

"But Louis , I need to pee." Harry said not bothering about the lack of response and putting his plan of escape into execution.

Louis sighed and said,"I'll call Niall."

Harry waited patiently for Niall and when he arrived they both made they're way to the washroom.

He couldn't let Niall stand outside his stall, he would clearly see him escape.

"Are you really gonna stand outside my stall?" Harry asked.

"Well yeah."

"Well can you not?" Harry said looking down.

"Why?" Niall asked raising his eyebrows.

"Well it's awkward, you'll hear me pee and I won't exactly be able to , you know, pee freely." That was the worst excuse Harry could come up with.

Niall sighed, "Alright but make it quick."

Harry nodded vigorously.

He entered the men's washroom and looked around for a window. There had to be one. Harry did a happy dance when he spotted one not too high up.

Harry caught one of its side and hoisted himself up.

To say he got out of the window easily was a understatement.

As he jumped on the pavement and walked among the crowd, knowing Louis's men were around.

He was about to call for a taxi when he felt hands on his shoulder.

He stiffened and turned around to see Louis.

God dammit.

Harry gulped visibly.

Louis sent him a deathly glare.

"Wrong move." He said and dragged Harry back to the car.

How did Louis find him was what Harry thought over. He was in a meeting wasn't he ?

Harry looked up to the mall and saw the transparent window of the cafe Louis was in.

Harry didn't know he was so dumb.

Ugh. Desperation isn't a good thing for your brains.


Whoops. Harry shouldn't have done that.
Note-Okay so you'll know prodigies are smart and stuff, and Harry is really. He could have easily escaped but Desperation can make a person do stupid things. And Harry was desperate to get free and back to his parents. And you can see the suspense in this chapter too ^_^ what do you'll think is the reason for Harry's familiarity of Louis's tone?

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