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IM SO SORRY I COULDN'T UPDATE ITS JUST SCHOOL'S BEING A BITCH AND YEAH. SO THIS CHAPTER IS DEDICATED TO @ImagineLarry08 cause she just spammed the last chapter and it made me all warm and yeah. I love you guys, like you'll take time outta your day to read MY book. It means a lot. Okay so I hope this chapter is worth the wait :) xx


"Louis please." Harry begged.

"No Harry, for the last time I'm not going to Disneyland."

"But Louis we're in California and Disneyland is in California." Harry said like it was the reason why Louis had to go to Disneyland with him.

"I never stopped you from going just that I'm not going. I don't know what difference it'll make." Louis said looking straight at the T.V.

"Well you're my boyfriend we're supposed to go to Disneyland together and you have to come along either way because I want to try the roller coaster." Harry said crossing his arms.

"I ain't the one who moves the roller coaster, I don't have to come along."

"But I'm scared of roller coasters and I want you there next to me." Harry said, blushing a little now.

"Haz I don't know how I'm going to make any difference." Louis said still not looking at Harry.

"Well," Harry said now getting up and sitting on Louis's lap, blocking his view from the T.V so he could concentrate on Harry's face," I know you won't let anything happen to me and that's reassuring and I'll get through it."

Louis looked up at Harry and maybe he shouldn't have.

Because he was giving him 'the eyes'.

Louis groaned, "Alright stop looking at me like that!"

Harry grinned wide and kissed Louis.

"AAAHHHHHH THANK YOU!" Harry said now getting of Louis's lap and running to their room, getting ready for the day after.

Louis watched as he left and shook his head, smiling fondly.

The things that boy makes him do.


"Brighten up Lou!" Harry said in his cheery voice as they entered Disneyland.

"You woke me up at the crack ass of dawn and you expect me to be bright?" Louis asked rubbing his face.

"Even Niall isn't complaining and he woke up before you, that's something." Harry tried to reason.

"He always wanted to go to Disneyland." Louis mumbled, looking at his Irish mate as he bounced excitedly looking around.

"Well that's good now let's get on some rides!" Harry said, dragging Louis towards the roller coaster.

Harry clutched Louis's hand tightly as he waited for the roller coaster to start.

"Are you alright love?" Louis asked looking at his boyfriend.

"I'll be fine just don't leave my hand." Harry said, looking pale.

"Never." Louis said as the ride started and Harry's screams engulfed him.


"That was the best ride I've ever been to like I think the five times we've been on it is not enough." Harry rambled as they made they're way to the restaurant.

"I'm sick of that ride Harry." Louis mumbled plopping down at one of the tables.

"I liked that ride to Harry!" Niall said happily and Louis blocked out their conversation.

Louis looked up, when Harry had stopped talking, confused.

Louis saw Harry staring at something behind them and Louis turned his head as to see what it was.

It turned out to be Gemma.

Wait Gemma? Wasn't she supposed to be at Uni or something?

Louis watched as Harry's face turned gloomy.

Louis didn't like it one bit.

He squeezed Harry's hand under the table, which broke Harry out of his trance.

Louis motioned his head towards Gemma and Harry shook his head vigorously.

Louis was confused as to why Harry didn't want to talk to his sister. Yes, she would get Louis locked up in jail but as long as Harry wanted to ,who gave a fuck?

Louis then motioned outside and they excused themselves and went out.

"What's wrong Haz?" Louis asked, clearly worried.

"Gem-gem-Gemma." Harry stuttered, pressing the heels of his palms on his eyes.

"What's wrong? What is she doing here?" Louis asked, removing Harry's hand from his face gently.

"She uh ran away with her uni boyfriend a few years back.. I don't know what she's doing as a waitress here. I don't.." Harry started to cry and Louis pulled him into a hug.

"She was there when I was there right?"
Louis asked.

"Yeah.. But she wasn't around much you know? She liked her friends better and then you left and she left and.." Harry clutched Louis's shirt tighter.

"It's alright." Louis said rubbing Harry's back, feeling like the biggest asshole on the planet.

"I'm sorry Haz." Louis mumbled.

"You left for a reason Lou..she just..didn't care."

"I was still a dick for leaving."

"I don't know Louis. You never told me why you left."

Louis sighed, "I will soon."

"Can you come and like stand next to me as I talk to Gemma?" Harry asked pulling away.

Louis knew it was going to be awkward considering the fact that Gemma knew , her dad had put Louis's dad to death sentence when he hadn't done anything. Plus she knew the fact that Louis was a criminal.

But Louis nodded anyways.

Louis walked behind Harry as he made his way to Gemma.

"Gemma?" Harry mumbled looking at his sister.

She was extra thin now, with old clothes on along with a fake smile.

She looked over at Harry and gaped.

Then her eyes fell on Louis but she quickly looked away quickly, guilty.

"Harry? What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Shouldn't I be the one asking that question?"

"My shift's about to get over. Could you wait?" She asked looking anywhere but at him.

"Alright." Harry mumbled as he left, his had around Louis's waist.




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