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This is the second last chapter *sobs* OMFG I CANT. HOPE YOULL LIKE THIS OKAY OKAY .

Warning- Smut.


Harry kissed Louis slowly, sitting on his lap.

He grinded on Louis lap as Louis's hands settled on his butt.

Louis moaned as Harry sucked on his neck.

"I love you Louis, I love you so much." Harry said, kissing each part of Louis's face.

Louis wanted to say it back so bad, but he kept his mouth shut and just smiled.

Harry took their clothes off and grabbed Louis, pumping him.

"Harry." Louis moaned, making Harry move faster.

When Louis was close to cuming Harry stopped and put his two fingers in Louis.

Louis groaned and thrusted his hips for more.

Harry added one more finger, making Louis fidget and clutch on the bedsheets.

"Get on with it." Louis said in a groan.

Harry positioned himself infront of Louis's entrance and then entered slowly.

He kissed Louis while doing so.

When Louis relaxed, Harry moved faster.

"Almost there." Louis said between breaths.

"Cum for me Lou." Harry whispered in Louis's ear and it didn't take long for Louis to cum across their chests.

Harry followed soon after and then slumped next to Louis.

After their breaths came out normal, Louis got up to get a wet cloth to clean them both up.

After cleaning himself and Harry, Louis layed down next to Harry his head on
Harry's chest.

"I love you Louis." Harry mumbled sleepily.

Louis shut his eyes tightly.

'I'm sorry Harry' he thought.


Harry watched as Zayn stared sadly at Louis's back.

Harry was quiet an observer and he did observe Zayn giving Louis sad looks like something bad was going to happen to him, like he wished Louis wasn't going through stuff.

What stuff it was Harry didn't know. But it made Harry want to throw up.
Because the mere thought of Louis going through something bad made his heart shatter. He couldn't see Louis unhappy.

But he just had to wait and watch.


So are you guys ready for the last chapter? I'm not :(

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