ma punition

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Harry knew he was in trouble. How much trouble , he didn't quiet know. All the way back to his prison or whatever it was Harry looked down, too scared to look at Louis.

When they stopped infront of the house , Louis pulled Harry out harshly and started screaming orders at everyone.

From the sounds of it Harry wasn't too keen to know what his punishment was.

Louis took him to the backyard which was rather filthy.

Harry cringed looking at it.

One of Louis's men kept a chair in the centre , where the sun's rays were harsh.

Louis made him sit on the chair and tied his hands separately to the chair with chains.

"You'll stay here until you learn how to be grateful ." Louis said grabbing his face harshly.

Harry watched as he left.

Did Louis actually expect him to not try to escape?

Harry didn't like the way the sun shone brightly. The chains were of metal ,a good conductor of heat, which in the sun turned hot.

Harry grimaced from the stinging feeling on his wrists.

Harry didn't know how much time had passed and he wouldn't come to know anytime soon because he wasn't in his senses. And the smell coming from around him didn't make things better.

He was trying so hard to not faint from the heat that nothing else made sense.

His throat was killing him too.

The sun was doing its best toady. That was the last thing Harry thought before everything blacked out.

Harry groaned as he woke up, now in his bed and not in the sun. Harry wondered if he just dreamt all that but then he looked at his wrist , bright red , bruises forming on them.

Harry found a glass of water on the nightstand and quickly gulped it down.

He was never escaping again. Nope.

"You know he never takes anyone back like that."

Harry jumped hearing the voice.

Harry didn't recognize the brunette walking towards him.


"Louis. He doesn't let anyone in , even if they faint or die for that matter."
Harry grimaced, thinking about it.

"Im Liam by the way." The guy extended his hand.

Harry shook it gently and mumbled, "Harry."

"So you want food? You were out for a day."

"I was what?!" It came out louder than Harry expected but oh well.

"Yeah the heat got to you bad. So you're coming for lunch?"

"With all of you guys?"

"Well yeah." Liam said shrugging.


Liam smiled at him and gave him a hand to get up. Harry took it gratefully and stumbled a little when he got up, but he managed to reach the hall without any injuries.

As he entered the room everyone looked at him, he hid behind Liam.

"Stop staring guys , you'll don't want an angry Louis now do you?" Liam said rolling his eyes and everyone went back to what they were doing.

Harry was confused as to why Louis would be angry if they looked at him. Shouldn't Louis be satisfied with Harry's discomfort?

Liam made his way towards Niall and Zayn.

"Thank you Harry for this." Niall said pointing to the black eye he had.

"I didn't- oh..I'm sorry?" Harry said, not knowing what else to say.

"It's alright mate, but next time do it if Zayn or Liam are around."

"I'll make sure about that." Harry said , smiling a little now.


"HEY!" Liam and Zayn say together.

Harry and Niall burst out laughing.

Soon the room falls silent and Harry turns around to see what was the reason , to see Louis walking in.

"Settle down for lunch lads." Louis said , sitting on the front seat. Like he was the head, which he was.

Harry was sitting far away from him when Zayn nudged him and shook his head as a 'no' and motioned him to sit next to Louis.

He gulped and made his way there slowly.

He sat down awkwardly and waited patiently for the food.

When the food arrived, he frowned.

He did not like porridge. And porridge along with potatoes? Who even thinks of that?

He looked over at Louis's plate. He got meat. He got meat. This was not fair.

He heard Louis sigh.
His porridge bowl and his plate with smashed potatoes was picked up and replaced with the meat.

He looked at Louis, but he was too busy eating his porridge. Porridge which Harry was supposed to eat.

Harry grinned wide and ate his food.

He was mid way when a flash back hit him.

"Don't cry, eat this." A voice spoke and Harry looked up.

A boy with brown a fringe looked down on Harry ,smiling, handing him his sandwich.

Harry smiled back with dimples and all and took the sandwich gratefully.

"But what about you?" Harry asked frowning.

"I'll have yours."

"But it's not" Harry said , sulking again.

"It's alright, you just eat mine." The boy said smiling.

Harry shook his head. Not knowing who the boy was.

Maybe it was just an illusion. Harry thought and continued eating his lunch. A smile still on his face.

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