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Harry sat crossed leg as Louis told him about the time he made the Acropolis's picture for Harry.

That Harry and Louis had sneaked a cookie from the bakery just after that.

He looked at the smile on Louis's face, his eyes crinkling on the side, he was so beautiful.

And the fact that Louis was talking about Harry with that smile, made Harry's insides churn.

Harry learned a lot about Louis's and his past. They were really close. Harry believed it, how could he not when Louis talked about him like he was the soul reason Louis was surviving?

"What about your family Louis?" Harry asked, knowing Louis knew everything about his.

Louis stiffened.

Harry fumbled with his shirt. He clearly shouldn't have asked that.

"It's okay, you don't have to tell me." Harry added later, sad that Louis didn't trust him with whatever it was.

"Thanks." Louis said getting up.

"Where are you going?" Harry asked panicked.

"I have to take care of something."

There wasn't a 'I'll be back later.' But Harry still , nodded looking down, clearly sad.

Louis sighed in front of him.

"I'll take you out to dinner tonight alright? Dress fancy." Louis says walking out.

Harry couldn't hide the grin forming on his face.

He had someone who couldn't stand to see him sad.

And Harry was more than great full.


"Could you help me?" Harry asked looking down, standing in front of Zayn's room.

"What's up mate?" Zayn asked, leaning on the doorframe.

"Well Louis said we'll go to dinner tonight and it isn't a big deal or anything but he asked me to dress fancy and I don't have good taste in clothes? And I feel like you do and you really don't have to help me it's just-"

"Calm down Haz , ofcourse I'll help you!"

Harry sighed in relief.

"C'mon let's see your closet." Zayn said making his way to Harry's room- well his and Louis's room- with Harry following him.

As they entered the room, Zayn walked over to the cupboard,it had Harry's clothes which he bought before he came to Rome, and stood in front of it going through each piece of clothing.

He removed black skinny jeans along with a red t-shirt and blue blazer.

Harry liked it.

"Thanks Zayn." Harry said to him, smiling.

"It's alright mate. Just ask me if need anything else."

Harry nodded.

Zayn left soon after and Harry hopped into the shower for the second time that day.


Harry knew Louis was fit.

But he didn't know he was this fit.

He stared at Louis's bum, showing all its glory in those tight skinny jeans.

His eyes travelled down to Louis's thighs and it was like Louis had painted his legs black. But no he had pants on.

The grey shirt fit perfectly on his shoulders and showed off his chest.

Harry might be drooling.

"Alright c'mon." Louis's voice snapped him out of his daze.

He heard Niall snicker besides him and he smacked his forearm.

Louis walked forward and Harry followed him after saying goodbye to the boys.

Louis held the car door open for Harry and Harry tried not to blush.

Louis sat in the drivers seat and started the car, pulling away from the drive way.

"So you still love math or you had the subject change again?" Louis asked, smiling a bit.

"I had a subject change." Harry answered blushing.

Louis laughed.

"What is it now?"


"You always loved English. I remember you writing for the magazine. You even wrote a book! I still have the copy. It's a shame you didn't get to publish it."

"You-you still have it?" Harry asked, shocked.

"Well yeah. I'd like to publish it. I will but let's just tour your favorite places first yeah?"

"You don't have to do it Louis." Harry says, looking down, feeling that warmth again.

"I know, but I want to Harry." He replies, smiling.

He then pulls up to a restaurant, which was really pretty.

It had lights decorating it and Harry felt a smile form on his lips.

Louis led him inside, his hand on Harry's back.

Harry realized then that their clothing was so different then. Harry wore bright colors while Louis was in his usual black.

They were quiet the combination.

They sat at a table which Louis had booked, under a name which was not his.

"What would you like to have?" Louis asks.

"I'll take the Romanian Special."


Louis calls the waiter over and gives the order.

"You know once, we camped out in this field we used to love, and set a table had a meal which was horrible may I add." Louis starts.

"No way!" Harry says, a smile tugging on his lips.

"Yes way, and there was this one time I got a bad grade and oh lord you never gave me the end of it! Made me study in front of you."

Harry blushed at that.

"I was trying to help you." He mumbled.

"I know." Louis says, smiling.

Their food arrives after that and they eat in comfortable silence.

Once Harry is done he looks over at Louis and thinks, why does Louis care? Harry hadn't done anything for him. Why'd Louis care if Harry gets to see his favorite sights, favorite places? Why'd he care if Harry got the books he wanted to read?

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Louis asks, squirming in his seat .

Harry is confused as to why Louis is uncomfortable with Harry looking at him but doesn't dwell on it.

"I was just wondering."

"Wondering about what?" Louis asks, eyebrows raised.

"Why do you care so much?"

Louis smiles at him, the smile Harry loves to see, with crinkles and all that.

"I don't know Harry. But I believe in fate and one day I'm sure I'll know. I'll tell you then."

"How do you know we'll still be friends? Or in contact for that matter?"

"I found you before, I found you now, I'm sure I can find you again, Harry."

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