Red Riding Hood

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This chapter is dedicated to @larryiloveyou202 for being such an amazing reader of mine and commenting and encouraging me after every chapter. Thank you :) it means a lot to me. You have no idea. Ily <3 have a good day!

Harry looked up at the blank ceiling, trying to ignore the shadows looming over him.

It's just a shadow Harry.

He scolded himself.

He buried deep in his covers, blocking out the moving shadows.

He wasn't fond of this big room now.

Then there was a sudden 'thud' , and that was it. Harry rose up as fast as he could and ran for the room next to his and barged in, huffing.

Louis looked up from the table he was sitting at.

"What's wrong?" Louis asked, his eye scrunched up in worry.

Harry rose a finger,"ehhh" then he put it down.

"I don't like my room, that much, at the moment."

"What do you mean?" Louis said, his eyebrows now raised. An amused smile,which he had a quiet a lot of time on now considering he was with Harry, etching its way to his lips.

"I believe, that there are evil spirits lurking outside my room's window." Harry said whispering.

"Right." Louis says, now smiling fondly.

"So how about this Harry, you sleep here in my room and I'll protect you from those so called evil spirits alright?" Louis said.

Harry thought for a while.

Harry did trust Louis, when it came to his protection. He was quiet sure, Louis would not let anyone or anything harm him.

Harry knew there was nothing outside his window. He was just being childish.
But a child prodigy can be a child too right?

Harry nodded, agreeing to Louis's statement and climbed in Louis's bed.

Louis shut of the lights, just leaving the lamp on his table switched on.

Harry smiled and cuddled into the sheets. Closing his eyes he fell asleep, knowing Louis will protect him no matter what.

Harry had studied people over the years.
He could figure them out by just observing them for five minutes.

But he couldn't figure Louis out.

It frustrated him that his prodigious mind couldn't figure out Louis.

When he thought he figured out Louis and categorized him as the 'above all level' that is, Louis is a person who leads, he doesn't take shit from anyone whoever that person may be. He puts work first and there was an obvious reason behind it, like a heart break etc.

But as Harry saw Louis taking a lecture from someone, with his head down, Harry knew his calculations were wrong.

Louis was something else. Everyone wanted to lead, even that loner who sits in the back of class. He might not show it but that doesn't mean he doesn't want to. You could go on denying that you don't want to lead, that you don't care about leading, but you know that's a lie. You want to lead. You want everyone to follow you. But you can't be that, because there is always someone who is smarter, better for that. But Louis.... he didn't ask for it, he just got it.

Maybe it was in his era.

You just look at him and wait for his orders. You just know he is the one in charge without him telling you.

And as crazy as it sounds, Harry found it as a major turn on.

Harry hid his face , trying to cover his blush. He just didn't think that.

Louis slid in the seat opposite to him, as the man left, and sighed.

"What was that all about?" Harry asked.

"He just likes to be in charge. Even though he isn't , he likes to think he is. Let him live his dream until I lose my shit."

Harry giggled at that.

"Why do you put up with his shit?" Harry asked, this time he was the one to be amused.

"I don't really know. Maybe I don't have the time and energy to not put up with his shit. You know how it'll be."

Harry nodded.

"It's weird you know." Louis laughed.

"What is?" Harry asked confused.

"This. I mean, I'm your kidnapper and you are here chatting with me when you should be pissed at me and afraid of me."

"Well, I'm a little pissed at you. But hey it's not like my parents give two shits about me, and I get to visit one of my dream places! Plus you aren't torturing me or anything."

Louis shook his head.

"Hey and you aren't the big bad wolf," Harry continues now extending his hands to pull Louis's cheeks, "you're the Red Riding Hood."

Louis laughed, his cheeks turning the slightest shade of pink, "Don't make me turn into the big bad wolf now."

"Nuh-Huh, you can't cause big bad wolves don't save people from evil spirits." Harry said, smiling, then got up and went back to his room.

Louis watched his re-treating back.

"You'll save me from anything right?" His curly haired best friend said.

"Anything." Louis said, pulling him closer.

Little did Harry know, Louis will always save him.

AN- I don't have any idea how this chapter turned out to be. I hope it's good. 🙈 probably isn't. Anyways, comment what you think about this :)

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