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So along with my new chapter, here's my new picture edit ^_^ hope you'll like both the chapter and the edit.
So I've got a few more readers now and let me tell you - it means so much to me. I love it when you'll appreciate me for my work. So thank you. I hope I'll live up to your expectations and don't disappoint anyone of you :)

Warning- Blowjobs.


Harry remembered getting drunk, he remembered dancing with Niall, he remembered giving Louis a lap dance- which he didn't regret one bit- but he didn't remember having this headache, which made him feel like his brain would pop out of it any minute.

He groaned as he got out of bed, making his way to the kitchen.

He rubbed his eyes as he stood in the kitchen, only wearing his boxers.

Nobody was around, which was quiet obvious. Everyone was smashed out of their minds.

Harry made himself a cup of coffee and searched the cabinets for a medical box.

"Good Morning Haz." Harry heard Niall say.

"Morning." Harry replied, smiling.

"Why are you up so early?" Niall asked keeping his head on the counter.

"Why are you up so early?" Harry asked as his response.

"Well I'm hungry and when your heads paining like a motherfucking bitch and your stomach makes noises like a dying walrus it's hard to sleep." Niall explained.

"Want me to make you some breakfast?" Harry asked, sipping his coffee and having his Aspirin.

"You'd do that?" Niall asked, his face brightening up with a smile.

"Why not?" Harry replied not being able to hold his smile back.

"I love you Hazza." Niall says smiling too big.

"Yeah yeah." Harry waved him off.

"Why are you naked though?" Niall asked as Harry removed the eggs and bacon.

"Eh I like being naked."

"Bet Louis will appreciates that." Niall mumbled.

Harry didn't quiet make out what he said, "What was that?"

"Oh nothing, just you're the first person whom I know who likes to be naked."

"I'll take that as a compliment." Harry said, grinning cheekily and turning away from him to start the breakfast.

Niall got up and walked over to Harry, sitting on the kitchen counter as he began frying the eggs and bacon.

"Harry I've been meaning to ask you something from the time when I woke up uh."

"What is it Ni?" Harry asked , his concentration on the food.

"Do you by any chance like Louis? Like- like like? Because I saw you yesterday and-"

Harry's eyes widen and he felt his cheeks warm up.

He turned around to check if anyone was in earshot.

When he saw no one, he turned back to Niall.

"Don't tell it to anyone Niall, but as a matter of fact I do." I whispered to him.

Niall's smile widen, "Well he likes you too."

Harry snorted,"I figured."

"Really though he does, he doesn't treat anyone like he treats you and he gets this softy- mushy look in his eyes when he sees you. It's fucking creepy but cute."

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