Ch. 22: Air and Earth

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"Kiara Riddle."

Chapter 22: Air and Earth

The next evening, Kiara visited Dumbledore's office with Harry. The lamps were lit, the portraits of previous headmasters and headmistresses were snoring gently in their frames and the Pensive stood upon his desk, ready for Harry's lesson with Dumbledore. Kiara noticed that his right hand was unusually blackened and burnt-looking, as if he was caught in a fire. She didn't question him, however. Her mind was focused on more important questions.

"Good evening, Sir."

"Kiara, it is a surprise to see you," Dumbledore greeted her, a curious twinkle in his bright, blue eyes. "I presume that there is something important on your mind for your visit."

"Yes, Professor," Kiara exhaled before beginning her explanation. "During the Christmas break, I was having a snowball fight with Fred and George." Dumbledore's mouth twitched. "When I threw... Well... a snowball, it grew much larger in my hands. I didn't do anything to make it bigger. It just happened."

Dumbledore was silent for a few moments and his expression was impassive. There was no possibility of Kiara having any idea what he was thinking. He looked thoughtful, observing her carefully. Kiara decided to press him for a response, unable to maintain her patience. "Do you think that it was because of my powers, Sir?"

"I have no doubt in my mind," Dumbledore responded quietly. "You have mastered the elements of fire and water with ease. You have demonstrated the extent of your strength and power. If you concentrate for it to be cold, along with the combination of the winter weather, I'm sure that it will result in ice. Snow and ice is merely frozen water."

"I was thinking the same."

"Kiara, are you aware of the other two elements?"

"Yes, sir. They are air and earth."

"Indeed. It is not surprising that your first element became fire, displaying your newly acquired power and desire. Following that, you mastered water, demonstrating your ability to adapt to change and calm the uncontrollable ferocity of the flames." Kiara nodded. "Air concentrates on speed, spirit and evasion. Earth relates to strength and diversity. They are the two final elements. Have you attempted to harness or produce them? Possibly accidentally? At all?" Dumbledore said, smiling at the look of great curiosity on Kiara's face.

"I didn't believe I was powerful enough to do so," Kiara said bashfully, staring at the ground. The thought of trying two additional elements never crossed her mind. In her mind, she presumed that she pushed her limits far enough with water and fire. She was content with the extent of her abilities at the current moment.

"If you don't believe in yourself, you will never be powerful to achieve or do anything," Dumbledore stated wisely. "Kiara, there are few witches and wizards who are gifted with elemental magic. There are even fewer witches and wizards who have been able to master two."

"And four?"

"None whatsoever, according to history. But, I think there is the possibility of having one in the near future." Harry stared at Kiara in astonishment, realising what Dumbledore was hinting at. "You are much stronger than I ever anticipated, Kiara, and I'm sure that was Voldemort's plan many years ago when he chose you. Remember that you have learnt two elements that normally take years of practice and self-discipline. You have achieved and perfected such skills within months."

"But, wouldn't I be playing right into his hands if I learn air and earth?" Kiara asked anxiously. She did not want to create in herself an even larger weapon for Voldemort. Although it wouldn't change his desire in acquiring her, it would magnify the damage that she could cause.

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